Improving an existing methodology for software development projects
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When we look at our society, and compare it to previous ages, it is striking how
much technology there is. There are now lots of ways to do almost anything that
we want to do. The technological society consists not only of methods and
software but of ways of thinking and feeling too. The computer has had two
relevant impacts; the first one is on the availability of the information. Being able
to google your question to find an answer is quite different to needing to get to a
library. The second impact is communication. We can be in communication with
many people either working or just chatting.
Technology is really useful tool, which can provide much more precision and faster
than people. Therefore, we must take advantage of it and increase both
productivity and efficiency.
Nowadays, majority of enterprises are trying to change how they are working,
since they can run their businesses by using software application in order to make
their lives easier, and as mentioned before, in some sense improving the way to
solve the work.
This project is intended to define a new methodology for a software development
projects within a specific company. Firstly, we will perform a study about the
project management as a whole, the product development and the team, and
software development techniques. After researching, we will focus on how this
enterprise carries out the projects, and then we will be able to realize the
weaknesses and drawbacks of the methodology used. Finally, we will provide an
improved methodology taking into account both the current methodologies and its
way to face the projects.
Tipus de document
Treball fi de màster
Matèries (CDU)
004 - Informàtica
62 - Enginyeria. Tecnologia
Paraules clau
Programari -- Desenvolupament -- TFM
104 p.
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