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Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 29
A Realist Approach to Universal Jurisdiction: the Case of Spain
(2021)Universal jurisdiction is a powerful tool to bring individual accountability for the commission of international crimes, and yet states seem to be reluctant to use it. This research aims at explaining ... -
A rethink of the EU’s strategy in the Sahel: from problematic policy-making to a new ‘transformative pragmatism’
(2024-04)The Sahel has become primordial for European interests. Up to three different strategies (2011, 2015 and 2021) have been drawn up by the EU to underpin the mechanisms and instruments needed to intervene ... -
Are the spin doctors a figure of priority interest for public relations?
(IROCAMM - International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix, Vol. 2, núm. 1, 2019, 2019)This research has a twofold goal: on the one hand, it describes, from a theoretical point of view, the importance of the figure and role of the spin doctors, also known as communication political advisers, ... -
Comunicació intercultural, diplomàcia pública i regulació suau a la societat global
(Trípodos, núm. 42, 2018, 2018)En aquest article es pretén, en primer lloc, oferir una visió exhaustiva dels grans canvis impulsats per la comunicació en el marc d’una societat cada vegada més global. Quin tipus de societat ens trobem? ... -
Cooperación y género en la Unión Europea
(2016-02-09)This paper describes the evolution of gender policies within the framework of Development Cooperation. It includes an analysis of the European Union’s efforts to make gender a transversal issue within ... -
De la agenda normativa al “giro pragmático”: causas, implicaciones y dilemas de la estrategia securitaria de la UE en el Sahel
(Revista UNISCI, núm. 60, octubre 2022, 2022)La región del Sahel se ha convertido en una prioridad estratégica para la Unión Europea (UE). Bruselas ha desplegado en la última década diversas misiones en el marco de su llamada Política Común de ... -
Development Cooperation and Dependency: An Analysis of Brazilian-Spanish Cooperation in Latin America Between 2010 and 2018
(Bulletin of Latin American Research, vol. 42, núm. 5, 2023, 2023)Based on analysis of Brazilian-Spanish cooperation in Latin America, this article aims to contribute to the discussion on whether South–South Cooperation (SSC) represents analternative model with specific ... -
La diplomacia de Smart Cities: el caso de la ciudad de Barcelona, 2011-2015
(Revista de Relaciones Internacionales de la UNAM, 2019, 134, 2019-05)El trabajo se fundamenta en torno a la diplomacia de la ciudad de Barcelona y a la configuración de un discurso hegemónico sobre Smart City, con repercusiones a nivel local y global. El énfasis se hace ... -
Europe abhors Donald Trump. The opinion on the 2020 US presidential elections and their candidates in the European newspapers
(American Behavioral Scientist, 2 abril 2021, 2021)What is the opinion held by the European press on the US election campaign and the candidates running for president? What are the predominant issues that attract the attention of European print media? ... -
Inferring the votes in a new political landscape: the case of the 2019 Spanish Presidential elections
(Journal of Big Data, 2020, 2020-08)The avalanche of personal and social data circulating in Online Social Networks over the past 10 years has attracted a great deal of interest from Scholars and Practitioners who seek to analyse not only ... -
Las similitudes en los discursos de los líderes independentistas en Cataluña y Escocia. La retórica clásica en los presidentes Puigdemont y Salmond
(adComunica. Revista Científica de Estrategias, Tendencias e Innovación en Comunicación, núm. 28, 2024, 2024)El presente estudio aborda el análisis del discurso independentista oficial en Cataluña y Escocia a partir de los fundamentos de la retórica clásica. Los periodos estudiados se han determinado teniendo ... -
Mainstreaming Anti-colonial Discourse on Palestine: Mohammed El-Kurd’s Discursive Interventions
(Tripodos, núm. 51, 2021, 2021)Palestinian activists have long maintained that the hegemonic discourse used to describe their predicament is unhelpful for understanding the nature of the so-called “conflict” in their country. They ... -
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management into Cyber Risks: Proposing a Policy Brief to the Barcelona City Council
(2021)Cyber risks and incidents have augmented in the past decade with the increasing usage and development of internet services. Consequently, national and regional cybersecurity agencies have been set to ... -
Marruecos y su nueva política exterior hacia África. Continuidades, discontinuidades y perspectivas
(Comillas Journal of International Relations, núm. 13, 2018, 2018)En los últimos años, Marruecos ha efectuado un notable giro en su agenda exterior hacia África. De la mayor discreción que ha caracterizado la posición del régimen alauí en las últimas tres décadas, el ... -
Menores, educación y conflicto armado: un análisis desde la realidad africana 15 años después del Informe Machel
(Foro de Educación, 2012, Núm 14, 2013-06-13)While sub-Saharan Africa in recent years has faced a marked decline in the number of armed conflicts, a number of countries continue to suffer the consequences of organized violence, especially some ... -
Políticas familiares comparadas: los casos de Francia y Alemania
(2015-10-07)This comparative study aims to examine the family policies adopted in Germany and France, and more specifically, those which are addressed to increase the birth rate. Both countries have the same Welfare ... -
Políticos y periodistas: un bucle endogámico en los medios sociales: dominios compartidos en Twitter por diputados y periodistas españoles
(Transinformaçao, vol. 33, 2021, 2021)Se presenta el resultado de una investigación sobre cómo se usan las redes sociales en comunicación política; en concreto, acerca de cómo utilizan Twitter los políticos y los periodistas en España. ... -
Praising the fallen heroes: Storytelling in US war presidential rhetoric, from Johnson to Obama
(Language and Literature, vol. 27, núm. 4, 2018, 2018)This paper analyses the use of storytelling by United States presidents in their war speeches, from the Vietnam War to the War on Terror. The study proposes a dual concept of storytelling in political ... -
Protest, internet activism, and socio-political change in sub-Saharan Africa
(American Behavioral Scientist, 29 desembre 2020, 2020)Sub-Saharan Africa has been the scene of a sizeable wave of social and political protests in recent years. These protests have many aspects in common, while at the same time there is a certain historic ...