Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Optimization of 3D autologous chondrocyte-seeded polyglycolic acid scaffolds to mimic human ear cartilage 

      Melgar Lesmes, Pedro; Bosch-Sanz, Oriol; Zubajlo, Rebecca; Molins, Gemma; Comfort, Sofia; Luque Saavedra, Ainara; López-Moya, Mario; García Polite, Fernando; Parri Ferrandis, Francisco José; Rogers, Carolyn; Gelabertó, Agata; Martorell López, Jordi; Edelman, Elazer R.; Balcells Camps, Mercedes (Biomaterials Science 2023, 13 (10), 2023-05)
      Auricular reconstruction in children with microtia is one of the more complex procedures in plastic surgery. Obtaining sufficient native material to build an ear requires harvesting large fragments of ...