Browsing by Subject "Aborígens"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
La llavor del Papa Francesc: Aparecida (Brasil), 2007
(Ars Brevis, 2016, Núm. 22, p. 256-269, 2016)Analitzar el document final de la V Conferència General de l’Episcopat Llatinoamericà i del Carib, celebrada a Aparecida, Brasil, fa deu anys, el 2007, resulta avui especialment interessant, ja que el ... -
The art of indigenous struggle. The strategies of the Awas Tingni and Sarayaku communities in their international fight for land rights
(2021)Indigenous peoples have been repressed for centuries, unheard by states which disregarded their rights. This research is an analysis of the strategies local indigenous movements in Latin America have ...