Listando por materia "Qualitat de vida"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 36
A Structural Equation Model of the relationship between physical activity and quality of life
(International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (2016) 16, 147---156, 2015-12)Background/Objective: Literature shows that practicing physical activity improves the general health and quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. However, there is little empirical ... -
A Structural Equation Model of the relationship between physical activity and quality of life
(International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (2016) 16, 147---156, 2015-12)Background/Objective: Literature shows that practicing physical activity improves the general health and quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. However, there is little empirical ... -
Activitats amb gossos i persones en consum actiu de tòxics
(2018-10-27)Les intervencions assistides amb gossos cada vegada agafen més força i més sentit dintre de les societats, per tots els beneficis que aquestes aporten a diferents col·lectius i pel seu component terapèutic ... -
An mHealth Workplace-Based “Sit Less, Move More” Program: Impact on Employees’ Sedentary and Physical Activity Patterns at Work and Away from Work
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17, 8844, 2020)Background: Most workplace interventions that aim to reduce sedentary behaviour have 38 focused on employees’ sedentary patterns at-work but less have focused on understanding the 39 impact beyond working ... -
Características de la Salud de las Personas Mayores que practican Ejercicio Físico de carácter comunitario en Catalunya con respecto otro tipo de prácticas dirigidas a este colectivo
(Aloma, 2012, Vol. 30, Núm. 1, 2012-06)Fundamentos. La Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud (CVRS) es una forma de medir la salud aplicable en decisiones sanitarias o econòmicas. Se analizan los participantes en Programas de Ejercicio ... -
Claves de futuro en la atención y apoyo a las personas con discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo ¿qué nos dice la ciencia?
(Siglo Cero, Vol. 46 (1), Núm. 253, 2015, gener-març, 2014)Este artículo describe las aportaciones de un debate cuyo objeto principal era responder, por parte de tres expertos, a una serie de tópicos, con la mirada puesta en un futuro de los próximos diez años, ... -
Cómo implementar el modelo centrado en la familia en la intervención temprana
(Anales de psicología, 2017, Vol. 33, Núm. 3 (octubre), 2017)A partir de los resultados de una investigación encaminada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de las familias con un hijo o hija con discapacidad intelectual, el objetivo del presente trabajo es ofrecer ... -
Donar més vida: Projecte d’intervenció a la residència de gent gran de Maldà
(2019-06-28)Donar més vida, és un projecte d’intervenció adreçat a la residència de la tercera edat delpoble de Maldà. Aquest, neix amb la necessitat d’enfortir el vincle social amb els habitants d’aquest, per tal ... -
Efecto de una intervención psicosocial sobre calidad de vida, estado sintomático y construcción del sí mismo en pacientes diagnosticados de esquizofrenia paranoide
(International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 2007, Vol. 7, Núm. 2, 2007)Los estudios que complementan la investigación sobre los síntomas junto con la calidad de vida y la identidad están adquiriendo un auge creciente, aspecto debido al interés por el desarrollo y difusión ... -
Efficacy of capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency in the physiotherapeutic treatment of chronic pelvic pain syndrome: a randomized controlled trial
(Neurourology and urodynamics, 2022, 41:962‐972, 2022-04)Aim To evaluate the efficacy of adjuvant, capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency (CRMRF, INDIBA) treatment at 448 kHz together with physiotherapeutic techniques compared to a sham treatment with ... -
Envelliment actiu com a qualitat de vida
(2020-07-21)El treball de recerca aplicada desenvolupat permet donar resposta al fet que la gent gran activa i participativa en diverses activitats i tallers gaudeixen d’una millor qualitat de vida. Per afirmar ... -
Exercise interventions for adults after liver transplantation (Review)
(Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023, núm. 5, article núm.: CD013204, 2023-05)Background The finding that exercise is inversely related to metabolic syndrome after transplantation is novel and suggests that exercise interventions might provide a means for reducing metabolic ... -
Facilitating factors for the job placement of workers with intellectual disabilities: supervisors and coworker mentors perspectives
(Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 28 set. 2020, 2020)Purpose – This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of organizational strategies, attitudes and supports that can help people with intellectual disabilities to access competitive jobs ... -
Guia de recursos i serveis per a infants amb paràlisi cerebral infantil
(2022-07-29)El treball de final de grau que es presenta a continuació té per objectiu donar resposta a la necessitat informativa de famílies i cuidadors d'infants amb paràlisi Cerebral, discapacitat ipluridiscapacitat, ... -
Health related quality of life in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis: a cross-cultural comparison between two methods of treatment
(Scoliosis, 2012, 7(Suppl 1):06, 2012)he present study aims at evaluating the effects produced on HRQOL by two different methods of physiotherapy in adolescent population with Idiopathic Scoliosis (IS): SEAS, used in Milan (Italia) in ... -
Health-Related Quality of Life Measures for Physically Active Elderly in Community Exercise Programs in Catalonia: Comparative Analysis with Sedentary People
(Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, Volumen 2013, Article ID 168482, 2013)Objective. To evaluate Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), medication used, and Stock of Health Capital (SHC) in physically active elderly participants in Community Exercise Programs (CEPs) compared ... -
Health-Related Quality of Life Measures for Physically Active Elderly in Community Exercise Programs in Catalonia: Comparative Analysis with Sedentary People
(Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, 2013, article ID 168482, 2013)Objective. To evaluate Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), medication used, and Stock of Health Capital (SHC) in physically active elderly participants in Community Exercise Programs (CEPs) compared ... -
Impact of supports and partnership on family quality of life
(Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2019, Núm. 85, 2019)Background In recent decades, Family Quality of Life (FQOL) has emerged as a decisive construct, both to improve the living conditions of the families of people with disabilities and to assess the results ... -
Interventions across the retirement transition for improving well-being: A scoping review
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, vol. 17, núm. 12, 2020-06)Background: The work-to-retirement transition involves a process of psychologically and behaviorally distancing oneself from the workforce that is often accompanied by other social changes, which can ... -
Interventions across the retirement transition for improving well-being: a scoping review protocol
(BMJ Open, 2019, 9:e030484, 2019-09)Introduction The work-to-retirement transition involves a process of psychologically and behaviourally distancing oneself from the workforce that is often accompanied by other social changes. The person ...