Listando por materia "339"
Mostrando ítems 1-11 de 11
Are Investors Concerned by Annual Corporate Governance Reports? Some Evidence from the Spanish Stock Market
(European management review, 2017-03-01)While prior research has generally shown a positive price reaction to voluntary declarations of compliance with codes of corporate governance, this is the first paper to examine how investors react to ... -
Blockchain, NFT y producción bajo demanda en el sector de la moda
(Questiones publicitarias, vol. 7, núm. 34, 2024, 2024)El objeto de estudio consiste en investigar la disposición de los consumidores hacia productos bajo demanda y tokens no fungibles (NFTs), centrándose en la marca Laagam, e-commerce especializado en moda, ... -
Caring Leadership: The Alignment of Organizational Values and Social Media Messaging
(Journal of Media Ethics, Vol. 35, núm. 4, 2020, 2020-09-15)Social projects are based on ethical values that members defend, incorporate in their life and want to implement. Identity and mission play an important role in the transmission of values within ... -
Categorical versus dimensional thinking: improving anti-stigma campaigns by matching health message frames and implicit worldviews
(Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol.48, n.2 (2020), p.222-245, 2020-03)Despite growing applications of social and healthcare marketing to enhance public well-being through anti-stigma campaigns, little research investigates how public stigma surrounding health conditions ... -
China in Africa: Assessing the Consequences for the Continent’s Agenda for Economic Regionalism
(Politics and Governance, vol. 10, núm. 2, 2022, 2022)Africa has become a major arena in the so-called “multiplex world.” The growing presence of China and other emerging countries on the continent in the last two decades has turned Africa into an area in ... -
Cost behavior in e-commerce firms
(Electronic Commerce Research 2022, 23, 2101-2134, 2022)We conduct empirical research on the flexibility of operating costs of e-commerce firms. With an international sample of firms from different European countries, we find that e-commerce firms have a ... -
Cómo generar clientes satisfechos en empresas de servicios en un entorno multicanal. El caso de la gestión de marketing de un programa universitario
(Boletín de Estudios Económicos, 2015-08)Los servicios son ofertas intangibles cuya calidad es difícil de valorar por parte del usuario. En este artículo revisaremos los conceptos clave del marketing de servicios. Así, describiremos las ... -
CRYPTO-MANIA: How fear-of-missing-out drives consumers’ (risky) investment decisions
(Psychology & Marketing. 2024;41:102–117, 2023-09-09)The cryptocurrencies (cryptos) market has undergone rapid development in the last years. Although this market is highly volatile and has frequently crashed, consumers show continued interest as well as ... -
Modelo tradicional de cooperación al desarrollo: análisis crítico y propuesta de alternativas. El caso de la “Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament”
(2014-07-09)This study analyzes the critiques and alternatives, made and proposed, to traditional model of cooperation and development in the last years. Furthermore, it approaches to a case study, “Agència Catalana ... -
The virtuous cycle of trust. Unveiling clues to successful innovation in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry
(European Journal of Innovation Management 2022, 25(6), 1036-1056, 2022)Purpose: This paper aims to shed light on features of successful innovation and on the role played by downstream open innovation (OI) dynamics in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry. It also ... -
What Truth? How Civil Society Organisations Shape the Knowledge Production of Truth Commissions
(Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, vol. 17, núm. 5, 2023, 2023-11-30)This article examines how civil society organisations are able to shape the politics of knowledge production of truth commissions (TCs). The article argues that their capacity varies according to the ...