Listando por materia "316"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 33
Answering questions concisely: analysis of a Twitter activity in a management course
(Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences vol.182 (2015) p.179 – 186, 2015-05-13)This paper summarizes the results of an activity conducted on a management course using the Twitter microblogging service. Students were required to answer a question by sending a tweet and to favor ... -
Audiencia, publicidad y medios
(Trípodos, 2008, Extra, 2008-04)La investigación de audiencias nació a principios del siglo pasado y comenzó con la radio, pionera como medio de comunicación de masas y precursora de la televisión, cuya aparición, al igual que ocurre ... -
Cultural Sustainability and the SDGs: Strategies and Priorities in the European Union Countries
(European Journal of Sustainable Development, vol. 10, núm. 2, 2021, 2021)This research aims to analyze how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are included in the EU cultural policies and which are the priorities of the European Union (EU) in ... -
De la por i la serenor
(Aloma, 1997, Núm. 1, 1997-11) -
Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure family social capital
(SSM - Population Health, vol. 8, 100453, 2019-07)The development and psychometric validation of instruments to measure social capital remains a priority in the field. The aim of the current study was to develop a Questionnaire on Family Social Capital ... -
Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure family social capital
(SSM - Population Health, vol. 8, 100453, 2019-07)The development and psychometric validation of instruments to measure social capital remains a priority in the field. The aim of the current study was to develop a Questionnaire on Family Social Capital ... -
Digital natives and streaming TV platforms: an integrated perspective to explain continuance usage of over-the-top services
(Online Information Review 2024, 48 (1), 2024-01-15)Purpose: Digital natives constitute a substantial part of consumers nowadays. Yet, a theoretical understanding of the factors driving their engagement with new-age digital services is lacking. This study ... -
Direct and spillover effects of board gender quotas: Revisiting the Norwegian experience
(Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility, 2023-08-15)eduAbstractBuilding on the Norwegian case, this study examines the long-term implications of board gender quotas on the advancement of gender diversity in managerial leader-ship. ... -
El fenómeno de los fans e ídolos mediáticos: evolución conceptual y génesis histórica
(Revista de Estudios de Juventud, núm. 96, 2012, 2012-03)Al estudiar el fenómeno de los fans y la creación de los ídolos populares es importante contemplar el sistema de valores y las tendencias culturales dominantes en una sociedad determinada. Cada época ... -
Experiences, emotional responses, and coping skills of nursing students as auxiliary health workers during the peak COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study
(International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2021, 30: 1080–1092, 2021-04)The COVID-19 crisis in Spain has exacerbated the shortage of nursing staff torespond to increasing healthcare demands. For this reason, nursing students were requested tocollaborate voluntarily as ... -
Family-based intervention to prevent childhood obesity among school-age children of low socioeconomic status: study protocol of the FIVALIN project
(BMC Pediatrics, 2021, 21: 246, 2021-05)Background: Childhood obesity represents a global public health crisis: the number of obese children and adolescents (aged 5–19 years) worldwide has risen tenfold in the past four decades. The vast ... -
Fer visibles els invisibles. Sobre la mirada sociològica de Pierre Bourdieu
(Via. Valors, idees, actituds, núm. 4, 2013, 2013)Pierre Bourdieu és un dels sociòlegs i pensadors més destacats de la segona meitat del segle XX. Després de deu anys de la seva mort ens sembla un bon moment per recordar el seu llegat i destacar alguna ... -
Food aid in Europe in times of the COVID-19 crisis An international survey project
(2022-09)Food aid has become an integral part of welfare states across Europe, which was particularly striking during the socio-economic COVID-19 crisis. So far, however, there has been little cross-national ... -
Food aid in four European countries: Assessing the price and content of charitable food aid packages by using food basket, household budget survey and contextual data
(2023-01)Many European welfare states are confronted with a growing demand for charitable food aid among households that struggle to make ends meet. This issue is particularly pressing today as a consequence of ... -
Fostering desgin patterns education: An examplar inspired in the angry birds game franchise
(Proceedings of the 18th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS 2019) - Education Track p. 168-177 (2019), 2019-10)Design patterns aim at easing the reuse of design solutions, saving time in solving recurring problems and supporting code maintainability. However, teaching design patterns is challenging. One of the ... -
How can reference budgets contribute to the construction of social indicators to assess the adequacy of minimum income and the affordability of necessary goods and services?
(2023-02)In this working paper we argue that the EU needs a new, additional indicator to implement and monitor the right to an adequate minimum income, as stipulated in principle 14 of the European Pillar of ... -
Informació, fake news i crisi de confiança: la disgregació de la comunitat després de Twitter
(Qüestions de vida cristiana, núm. 274, 2022, 2022) -
Interreligious Dialogue Groups Enabling Human Agency
(Religions, vol. 12, núm. 3, 2021, 2021-03-12)Evidence has shown that interreligious dialogue is one of the paths to build bridges among diverse cultural and religious communities that otherwise would be in conflict. Some literature reflects, from ... -
Karl Löwith i el natural transcendent: una proposta per fer front als perills de la fe en el progrés
(Compàs d'amalgama. 2024(9): 47-50, 2024-05-26)Segons el pensador alemany Karl Löwith, la fe en el progrés històric deriva de l’escatologia cristiana i la seva promesa de salvació. El progrés no ens diu res de cap a on ens encaminem com a humanitat ... -
La identitat social dels joves
(Educació social: revista d'intervenció socioeducativa, Núm 26, 2004-04-01)