Now showing items 1-10 of 87
Violencia filio-parental y necesidades en la ciudad de Barcelona
Child-to-Parent Violence is a social problem in Catalonia and Barcelona that compromise the society’s progress. For that reason, is necessary to know, to analyse and to describe the needs of families ...
Educació Social en el procés de dol per una pèrdua: Gent gran en l’àmbit residencial
This work is a theoretical deepening about the mourning process in the elderly in the retirement home and an interpretation of how it is addressed from the Social Education. The project has as a general ...
L’art com a eina de cohesió social, participació i acció comunitària
Applied research work focused to deepen in participation, culture, community action, artistic languages and Social Education. In this research we will know the opinion of the children and young people ...
I després, què?
“I després, què?” és un projecte creat a Barcelona que té la finalitat de potenciar la inclusió i la integració dels nois MENA (Menors Estrangers No Acompanyats) quan arriben a la majoria d’edat, a ...
Ansiedad, adolescentes y actividades físicas i deportivas
This project aims to tackle special needs that teenagers can have in day hospitals, that is to say, help them reduce their high level of anxiety. The project is based on the practice of several physical ...
La descoberta del Jo. Programa individualitzat per a la incorporació social PINS
Self-awareness, motivation, empathy, emotional regulation and social skills are five skills that make up the self-knowledge, the latter being the basic skill to confront the challenge of living since ...
La panera dels tresors, una nova manera d’aprendre pels infants amb síndrome d’Asperger
This pilot project is based on the methodology of the basket of treasures, a learningtool, which would be applied and adapted to the Infant and Primary School Pia of Calella with children without being ...
La escenoterapia y el papel del educador/a social con un grupo de niños con TEA
The Project presented below is based on a proposal of intervention to implement the scenotherapy with a group of children who suffer Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This psychotherapeutic technique uses ...
Gènere no normatiu i formació en el grau en treball social
This report describes in detail the fundamental elements of our research on the gender contents in
the curriculum of the Social Work degree offered at three Catalan universities. This research is
based ...
Políticas familiares comparadas: los casos de Francia y Alemania
This comparative study aims to examine the family policies adopted in Germany and France, and more specifically, those which are addressed to increase the birth rate.
Both countries have the same Welfare ...