Browsing Facultat d’Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés by Issue Date
Now showing items 41-60 of 199
L’ús i coneixement del terme de diversitat funcional en el Treball Social
(2016-06-05)People with functional diversity represent 15% world’s population, according to WHO’s data (2011). So, they have a significant value in society, as well as in the resources where the social sector ... -
El Treball Social en Salut Mental Infanto-juvenil: El TDAH en el Servei de Psiquiatria Infanto-juvenil de l’Hospital Clínic
(2016-07-18)The present project tries to approach a perspective of Social Work within the infant mental health sector, and in particular, that of the intervention done within diagnosticated cases of ADHD by looking ... -
La evolución del sentido moral en el Trabajo Social
(2016-07-18)This article is a theoretical study in relation to the moral sense in social work. The overall objective is to analyze the evolution of how it has built the moral sense in social work and how it looks ... -
Acompanyar a persones drogodependents cap a una inserció social satisfactòria. Estudi del procés d’inserció social a Catalunya.
(2016-07-18)After the non-formal observation of failures in the processes of social integration of drug addicts, a pilot design has been conducted, from an applied research to the intervention, on the status and ... -
Noves masculinitats
(2016-07-27)The New Masculinities is a work that goes deeply into the theorization of the construction of new masculinities as alternatives to the hegemonic masculinity model. The main question tries to give an ... -
El dol en processos de deshabituació
(2017-06-16)Grief has been a very vital process that has characterized the human being, being the species who interact with others and create intense relations ships. The human being is social and free by nature ... -
Projecte d'atenció psicosocial per familiars de persones privades de llibertat
(2017-06-26)The present work is a development of a strategic intervention project for persons deprived of their liberty. The main objective of this project is to offer professional and psychosocial care to family ... -
Estima’t a tu mateix, grup per adolescents (GPA)
(2017-06-26)“Love yourself, a group for teenagers (GFT)”, is a project created to address the specific needs of teenage boys and girls with mental disorders of the Day Hospital of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona. ... -
La mentoría social como herramienta de intervención socioeducativa
(2017-06-26)This study is the result of a process of constant research and elaboration in order to present the process from which social mentoring is becoming a growing methodological tool in the development of ... -
Projecte repassem junts
(2017-06-26)The project presented below is the educational project's design Repassem Junts, the result of the detection of needs required for children, teenagers and families of Sarrià -Sant Gervasi district. The ... -
Adolescents i joves amb discapacitat intel·lectual: sexualitat i tabús
(2017-06-26)Sexuality it’s a part of every human being, being a set of inherent aspects of our personality, ranging from the anatomical aspects to sexual behavior, sexuality is so characteristic of every human being ... -
El model d’intervenció dels Treballadors Socials en l’àmbit de cures pal·liatives pediàtriques
(2017-07-18)This work is theoric study about the intervention model carried out by social workers in the field of Pediatric Palliative Care that currently exist in Catalonia. The research is based on the intervention ... -
L’ésser humà com a sistema. El Coaching Educatiu i l’Educació Social: Una proposta metodològica educativa inclusiva per al desenvolupament integral dels educands
(2017-07-19)Under the eye of inclusive education, understanding the human being as a social being, as well as system, education must be reconsidered as the way to design and apply new, flexible and comprenhensive ... -
Estratègia d'acompanyament en salut mental per a persones sense llar/sense sostre
(2017-07-19)The correlation between being on the street and mental health problems is a fact. The progressive loss processes, to which clients who request help from services such as the SAI (Service of Immediate ... -
Expressions: Projecte d’Educació Emocional al Centre Obert Eixample.
(2017-09-17)This Emotional Education project is developed in the “Centre Obert Eixample” and his target are children of the group of “Petits”, from 6 to 11 years old. Based on a period of three months of observation, ... -
Formem-nos junts
(2017-09-27)The work "Training together" is a project which shows how elderly people can continue training at this stage of life. Involving and integrating them into the process of approaching dogs and participating ... -
Violencia filio-parental y necesidades en la ciudad de Barcelona
(2017-09-27)Child-to-Parent Violence is a social problem in Catalonia and Barcelona that compromise the society’s progress. For that reason, is necessary to know, to analyse and to describe the needs of families ... -
Assetjament escolar i alumnes superdotats
(2018-02-09)The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between giftedness and bullying. However, in order to be able to understand these topics, the theoretical framework is divided in two ... -
Les comunitats d'aprenentatge com a model inclusiu per a l'educació d'adults
(2018-02-09)This research examines the successful educational actions present in Schools as Learning Communities, which represent transformative components for the educative inclusion of people with functional ... -
El arte de las canas, dignidad y participación