Browsing Facultat d’Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 199
Diseño de un proyecto de intervención socioeducativa “Tenim un viatge” Educación en valores mediante el juego con alumnos/as de ciclo medio de primaria de la escola Vedruna Àngels
(2015-09-28)The following intervention programme of society and education aims for the education in values with students. This programme provides support to the first cycle of primary of Escola Vedruna Àngels, an ... -
Projecte d’intervenció “Trencant barreres per créixer junts”
(2015-09-28)Aquest projecte elabora una intervenció socioeducativa per a les mares i els seus fills o filles, que estan complint condemna en el Centre Penitenciari de Dones de Barcelona durant tres mesos. Aquest ... -
La pérdida de la vivienda en la actualidad y las respuestas innovadoras desde el trabajo social
(2015-10-07)This essay will be a theoretycal analysis of housing lost in the context of current realities and an examination of the intervention and prevention programmes implemented from the Social Work perspective ... -
“TODOS FAZEMOS UM” Projecte d’Inclusió Social a Montes Claros (Brasil)
(2015-10-07)The project designs an inclusive self-learning system with people with functional diversity in the daily activities of the “Fé e Algeria Montes Claros” Foundation, Minas Gerais, Brasil. The inclusive ... -
Políticas familiares comparadas: los casos de Francia y Alemania
(2015-10-07)This comparative study aims to examine the family policies adopted in Germany and France, and more specifically, those which are addressed to increase the birth rate. Both countries have the same Welfare ... -
Identitat i cultura professional en l’Educació Social
(2015-10-07)The aim of this exploratory analysis research is to know the opinion of the Spanish social workers on four important interesting topics for the profession: the value conflict management, the identity, ... -
L'hort de l'economat de VNG: el dret a l'alimentació com a motor de transformació social
(2015-10-20)The economic and systemic crisis in the past years has led to a decrease in the standard of living of many people and families below the poverty threshold, which has made them, face serious difficulties ... -
L’Esport com a eina social. El cas del projecte Integració i Esport: Socialització i adquisició d’hàbits saludables d’infants en risc d’exclusió social
(2015-10-20)This work aims to approach to the use of sport as a social tool. The study focuses on the analysis of a single case: the project Integration and Sport, developed at the open-‐center of Aldees Infantils ... -
La escenoterapia y el papel del educador/a social con un grupo de niños con TEA
(2015-10-20)The Project presented below is based on a proposal of intervention to implement the scenotherapy with a group of children who suffer Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This psychotherapeutic technique uses ... -
Educació Social en el procés de dol per una pèrdua: Gent gran en l’àmbit residencial
(2015-10-20)This work is a theoretical deepening about the mourning process in the elderly in the retirement home and an interpretation of how it is addressed from the Social Education. The project has as a general ... -
L’art com a eina de cohesió social, participació i acció comunitària
(2015-10-20)Applied research work focused to deepen in participation, culture, community action, artistic languages and Social Education. In this research we will know the opinion of the children and young people ... -
La búsqueda del equilibro emocional
(2015-10-20)The purpose of this project is to facilitate the functional recovery of affected people of bipolar disorder type I and II . Through studies it has become evident the advantages of combining medical and ... -
Cooperación y género en la Unión Europea
(2016-02-09)This paper describes the evolution of gender policies within the framework of Development Cooperation. It includes an analysis of the European Union’s efforts to make gender a transversal issue within ... -
Educación ambiental en Educación primaria. Formemos personas para proteger el medio ambiente
(2016-02-19)This project is conducted on environmental care, primary education students of 6-12 years in Peru, Department of Cajamarca, and Province Cutervo. It first establishes a theoretical framework, it helps ... -
La panera dels tresors, una nova manera d’aprendre pels infants amb síndrome d’Asperger
(2016-05-24)This pilot project is based on the methodology of the basket of treasures, a learningtool, which would be applied and adapted to the Infant and Primary School Pia of Calella with children without being ... -
Espiritualitat i Treball Social. Reptes i oportunitats per la Professió
(2016-05-24)The purpose of this Final Project is to analyze, from a theoretical perspective, how the spiritual dimension of people is a challenge and an opportunity for social intervention. The methodology of this ... -
Les relacions afectives i els adolescents
(2016-05-26)Affective relationships and adolescents is a project aimed at all teenagers and young people of Catalonia, with the main focus being on those with a lower educational level and who have difficulty ... -
El reconocimiento del trabajador social sanitario en el Hospital Clínic y en el Hospital Vall d’Hebron
(2016-05-26)This essay is an applied research that offers a closer look to the figure of social workers in healthcare. The research focuses on the perception of healthcare social workers from two tertiary hospitals ... -
La cooperació al desenvolupament. Una aproximació de la teoria a la Pràctica
(2016-05-26)This work is structured in two parts. The first one consists in a theorethical review of the story and evolution of cooperation for the development from his onset, after the end of the Second World War. ... -
Un dia amb la Maria i l’Oriol: Eina diagnòstica amb infants de dos a set anys
(2016-05-27)This project is the creation of a new support material to identify the existence of child abuse (we considered also the omission as a kind of abuse). The aim of the project is to get closer to children’s ...