Now showing items 1-10 of 26
Current strategic function of social network sites in marketing: tourism companies
This research aims to analyse the current marketing strategic function of Social Networks Sites (SNS),
such as Facebook or Twitter, particularly in the tourism sector. A profuse literature review on ...
Exploring the barriers and constraints of families travelling with children on the ASD: Proyecto Alas para el Autismo y Alojamiento
The past year 2016, the World Tourism Organization dedicated the year to work for a more accessible tourism for all. Consequently, we found important to understand the barriers and constraints that ...
Work life balance at the hospitality industry
The hospitality industry is a growing and diversified sector whose most important resource - as in
any other service industry - is people and thus, the management of human resources is a critical
activity ...
Comments vs star rating
The following research aims to analyse one of the current issue in the hospitality industry which is the comparison of the current star rating system and comments from previous experiences.
Trying to ...
Pet dog policies in 5-star hotels in Barcelona
The dissertation aims to research if pet dog policies are used as a marketing tool at the 5-star hotels, as it is a niche market that could potentially be catered for in the appearance that it is ...
Business plan: the creation of an inclusive hostel
The purpose behind this Bachelor Thesis is the creation of a new and, most important, inclusive
touristic concept build upon the needs, capacities and expectations of people with intellectual
disabilities. ...
Intensity of Rivalry: Case Study of Airbnb in Barcelona
Despite the fact that networked-based companies are a relatively new phenomenon, these companies are rapidly expanding and gaining knowledge about the new trends in the hospitality sector and therefore, ...
Millennials' work values towards hospitality industry
Millennials represent an important percentage of the current and future workforce that
companies from all the sectors continuously look for, being the case for the Tourism Sector and
especially the ...
How is seasonality affecting rural accommodation in La Selva and how are they managing it?
The following research paper aims to identify how seasonality impacts rural accommodation in la Selva and to analyse how it is managed. The intention of the study is to develop a case study in la Selva ...
Comparative analysis of two leader online travel agencies in the Barcelona market
The purpose of this study was to analyze the different applied practices as well as the tools and methods that the two leader global online travel agencies give to their hotel partners in order to sell ...