Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Narrowband and Wideband Channel Sounding of an Antarctica to Spain Ionospheric Radio Link
(MDPI, 2015-09)
La Salle and Ebro Observatory have been involved in remote sensing projects in Antarctica for the last 11 years (approximately one solar cycle). The Ebro Observatory has been monitoring and analyzing ...
Physical Layer Definition for a Long-Haul HF Antarctica to Spain Radio Link
(MDPI, 2016-05)
La Salle and the Observatori de l’Ebre (OE) have been involved in a remote sensing project in Antarctica for the last 11 years. The OE has been monitoring the geomagnetic activity for more than twenty ...
Remote Sensor Data Transmission from Antarctica to Spain with a Long-Haul HF Ionospheric Link
(1st International Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing, 2015)
The geophysical observatory in the Antarctic Spanish Station Juan Carlos I (BAE), on Livingston Island (62.6S, 60.4W), has been monitoring the magnetic field in the Antarctic region for more than fifteen ...
An example of operation for a partly manned Antarctic geomagnetic observatory and the development of a radio link for data transmission
(INGV, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, 2009-02)
The experience acquired from more than ten years of operation of an Antarctic geomagnetic observatory is described along with the development of data transmission facilities. The observatory was deployed ...
Remote Geophysical Observatory in Antarctica with HF data transmission: a Review
(MDPI, 2014-07)
The geophysical observatory in the Antarctic Spanish Station Juan Carlos I (ASJI) in Livingston Island has been monitoring the magnetic field in the Antarctic region for more than fifteen years. In 2004, ...
Behaviour of the quiet day geomagnetic variation at Livingston Island and variability of the Sq focus position in the South American-Antarctic Peninsula region
(IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly. Sopron (Hungria), 2009-08-24)
The characteristics of the regular daily variation at the relatively new geomagnetic observatory of Livingston Island have been studied. They include the seasonal and solar cycle variabilities. Studies ...
Geomagnetism at Ebro: Present and Future
(International Workshop “Challenges for Geomagnetism, Aeronomy and Seismology in the XXI Century", 2004-10-01)
Activities of research and services are performed at the magnetic section of Ebro Observatory. Most of the scientific projects are related to Solar_terrestrial Physics. Latest projects focused on Antarctic ...
Fons Monturiol a la Biblioteca de l'Observatori de l'Ebre: anàlisi grafològica de les anotacions i estudi de l'estat de conservació
(XIV Trobada de la Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT). Castelló, 28 d'octubre 2016, 2016-10-28)
L’any 2009, aprofitant els actes de la celebració del 150è aniversari de l’avarament de l’Ictíneu, es va donar a conèixer la troballa dels llibres propietat de Narcís Monturiol amb una exposició.
El ...
Vertical and oblique ionospheric soundings over a very long multihop HF radio link from polar to midlatitudes: Results and relationships
(Wiley, 2009-04)
A vertical incidence sounder (VIS) was installed at the Spanish Antarctic Base (62.7°S, 299.6°E) during the Antarctic summer survey 2004–2005. In addition, an oblique sounding (OS) system for HF ...
Cent anys de suport a la recerca científica
(Quartes Jornades sobre Gestió de la Informació Científica (2015), 2015-05-21)
Breu presentació del que ha estat l’experiència de suport a la recerca Geofísica a l'Observatori de l'Ebre, institució amb 110 anys d’història i allunyada de la gran ciutat. La funció desenvolupada per ...