Now showing items 21-30 of 30
A Pitch Marks Filtering Algorithm Based on Restricted Dynamic Programming
(Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. INTERSPEECH 2006, 2006-09-17)
In this paper, a generic pitch marks filtering algorithm (PMFA) is introduced in order to achieve reliable and smooth pitch marks
from any input pitch tracking or marking algorithm. The proposed PMFA ...
Adapting an Anomalous Noise Events Detectorfor Real-Life Operation in the Rome SuburbanPilot Area of the DYNAMAP’s Project
(Euronoise2018 Proceedings, 2018-05-27)
The DYNAMAP project is aimed at implementing a dynamic noise mapping system able to determine the acoustic impact of road infrastructures in real-time, encouraged by the European Noise Directive 2002/49/EC. ...
Leveraging Urban Sounds: A Commodity Multi-Microphone Hardware Approach for Sound Recognition
(MDPI, 2019-03-08)
City noise and sound are measured and processed with the purpose of drawing appropriate government legislation and regulations, ultimately aimed at contributing to a healthier environment for humans. ...
Sentiment classification in English from sentence-levelannotations of emotions regarding models of affect
(10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. INTERSPEECH 2009, 2009-09-06)
This paper presents a text classifier for automatically taggingthe sentiment of input text according to the emotion that is beingconveyed. This system has a pipelined framework composedof Natural Language ...
ALGTEC: Un complemento a la enseñanza del álgebra lineal en carreras de ingeniería de telecomunicaciones
(Actas de la Conferencia Internacional sobre Educación, Formación y Nuevas Tecnologías, Valencia, 12-14 de junio del 2002, 2002-06)
En este artículo se presenta la aplicación multimedia ALGTEC (ÁLGebra y TECnología)
que pretende acercar al alumno de ingeniería al ‘mundo del álgebra’ y a algunas de sus
aplicaciones en el ‘mundo ...
DYNAMAP: A low-cost WASN for real-time road traffic noise mapping
(XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Acústica. X Congreso Ibérico de Acústica. 49º Congreso Español de Acústica. TecniAcústica, Cádiz, del 24-26 de octubre 2018, 2018-10)
Several studies have found that noise pollution is a real public health problem, causing severe effects on concentration, sleep and stress in population. The Environmental Noise Directive ...
La evolución de la Síntesis del Habla en Ingeniería La Salle
(II Jornadas en Tecnologías del Habla. 2002, 2002-12-16)
Este artículo resume la trayectoria del grupo de Tecnologías del Habla de Ingeniería La Salle (Universitat Ramon Llull) en el marco de la investigación y el desarrollo de sistemas de síntesis del habla. ...
HMM-based Spanish speech synthesis using CBR as F0 estimator
(ITRW on Nonlinear Speech Processing, Paris, 22-25 of May 2007, 2007-05)
Hidden Markov Models based text-to-speech (HMM-TTS) syn thesis is a technique for generating speech from trained statisti cal models where spectrum, pitch and durations of basic speech
units are modelled ...
Multi-domain Text-to-Speech Synthesis by Automatic Text Classification
(Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. INTERSPEECH 2006, 2006-09-17)
This paper describes a multi-domain text-to-speech (MD-TTS)synthesis strategy for generating speech among different domainsand so increasing the flexibility of high quality TTS systems. Tothat ...
Text Classification based on Associative Relational Networks for Multi-Domain Text-to-Speech Synthesis
(The SIGIR Workshop on Directions in Computational Analysis of Stylistics in Text Retrieval, Seattle, August 2006, 2006-08)
This work is a step further in our research towards developing a new strategy for high quality text-to-speech (TTS)
synthesis among different domains. In this context, it is
necessary to select the most ...