Now showing items 11-20 of 98
Classifying Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms using Machine Learning techniques
(4rt Congrés Català d'Intel.ligència Artificial, Barcelona, 24-25 d'octubre de 2001, 2001-10)
This paper presents a Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) of breast cancer from mammograms. The first part involves severa! image processing techniques, which extract a set of features from the microcalcifications ...
Linguistic and Mixed Excitation Improvements on a HMM-based speech synthesis for Castilian Spanish
(6th ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Bonn, 22-24 of August 2007, 2007-08)
HiddenMarkov Models based text-to-speech(HMM-TTS)synthesis is one of the techniques for generating speech from
trained statistical models where spectrum and prosody of basic speech units are modelled ...
Validation of an acoustical modelling of emotional expression in Spanish using speech synthesis techniques
(ITRW on Speech and Emotion, Newcastle, 5-7 of September 2000, 2000-09)
This paper describes the methodology used for validating the
results obtained in a study about acoustical modelling of
emotional expression in Castilian Spanish.
We have obtained a set of rules that ...
Component Analysis and Time Series Prediction
(4rt Congrés Català d'Intel.ligència Artificial, Barcelona, 24-25 d'octubre de 2001, 2001-10)
The relation between component analysis (PCA and ICA) and Multi-resolution Filtering is explained and its use to improve the prediction error in a time series is shown. An example applying the previous ...
Enhancing Long-term Children to Robot Interaction Engagement through Cloud Connectivity
(Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction, Portland, 2-5 of March 2015, 2015-03)
In this paper, we introduce a cloud-based structure to enhance long-term engagement in a pet-robot companion treatment to reduce stress an anxiety to hospitalized ...
Sistema de “Clasificación y Búsqueda Emocional de Imágenes por Internet” en función del usuario
(Actas de la III Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información, Ourense, del 19-21 de junio 2008, 2008-06)
El objetivo del trabajo es plantear una nueva forma de clasificación y búsqueda de imágenes centrándonos en nuevas relaciones semánticas articuladas por el eje usuario-medio: Primero estableciendo ...
Aplicación docente de Realidad Aumentada en cursos universitarios de representación de proyectos de Arquitectura. Case study of application of augmented reality in university courses for representation of projects of architecture
(15th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics, Santa Fe, 16-18 of November 2011, 2011-11)
The purpose of the work is to define and evaluate a method for the application of 3D rendering techniques
with augmented reality in architectural courses and graphic representation. This will allow ...
Sistemas Operativos Avanzados: de la clase magistral al entornocolaborativo
(XVII Jornadas de Enseñanza universitaria de la Informática, Sevilla, del 6-8 de julio 2011, 2011-07)
La implantación del Espacio Europeo de EducaciónSuperior (EEES) apuesta, entre otras cosas, por unnuevo modelo educativo en el que el alumno es elactor principal y el profesor queda relegado a un se-gundo ...
The impact of man-made noise on the passenger transport stations of Port of Barcelona
(Proceedings of Internoise 2019. The 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering, Madrid, 16-19 June 2019, 2019-06)
Ports and harbours are logistic nodes characterized by several types of noise,
which can usually occur in a concurrent manner in the same harbour premises:
ferries, cruises, fishing and trade ships ...
Genetic Classifier System as a heuristic weighting method for a Case-Based Classifier System
(3r Congrés Català d'Intel·ligència Artificial, Vilanova i la Geltrú, del 5-7 d'octubre 2000, 2000-10)
This paper proposes how to use a Genetic Classifier System as a heuristic weighting method for a Case-Based Classifier System. The preliminary results are performed into a specific domain: the prediction ...