Now showing items 11-18 of 18
Códigos QR aplicados a la visualización de elementos arquitectónicos
(15th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics, Santa Fe, 16-18 of November 2011, 2011-11)
In recent years it has popularized the use of two-dimensional codes associated with all types of information.
Usually we can find them in advertisements, receipts and all kinds of tickets, but also they ...
User's experience in the visualization of architectural images in different environments
(4th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, 29 of June to 2 of July 2010, 2010-06)
The visualization of images, both photographic and infographic, is a process that depends on a series of features that define the user (user profile: age, sex, culture or experience, ...
CASPER Project: Social Pet Robots facilitating tasks in Therapies withChildren with ASD
(OmniaScience, 2016-11-04)
In this paper, we present a Cognitive Assistive SocialPet Robot design and an early field study with it to facilitatelearning with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The roboticplatform is a low-cost ...
MLC filtering applied to the 3D reconstruction of the left ventricle
(XIII Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica, A Coruña, 2 al 4 de julio 2003, 2003-07)
As presented in previous editions, our method describes the three-dimensional reconstruction of the
internal and external surfaces of the human's left ventricle from medical data. The reconstruction ...
Implementation of methodological processes of users experience with 3D technology and augmented reality. Case study with students of architecture and users with disabilities
(The 7th International Conference on Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics, Orlando, 19-22 of July 2011, 2011-07)
Architecture and other cultural places of interest are shown as
the results of the progress of evolution of society. People have a
right to access these: "Everyone, as a member of society ...
entitled ...
Declaración AENUI-CODDII por la inclusión de asignaturas específicas de ciencia y tecnología informática en los estudios básicos de la enseñanza secundaria y bachillerato
(Actas de las XX Jornadas de la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática, Oviedo, del 9-11 de julio 2014, 2014-07)
La informática está presente y es el motor de la
innovación en todos los campos de la ciencia y
tecnología, además de ser una parte fundamental de
la sociedad actual. Ninguna otra disciplina ha
evolucionado ...
FACe! 3D Facial Animation System based on FACS
(IV Iberoamerican Symposium in Computer Graphics, Isla de Margarita, 15-17 of Juny 2009, 2009-06)
In this paper we present a 3D facial animation system named FACe! It is able to generate different expressions of
the face throughout punctual and combined activation of Action Units, defined by Facial ...
Evaluación de la importancia de la ética, privacidad y seguridad en los estudios de Learning Analytics, en el marco de las conferencias LAK
(V Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Competitividad (CINAIC 2019), 2019-10-09)
Los orígenes del Learning Analytics son difusos y rodeados por un intenso debate sobre su definición. Este debate se sitúa en el ámbito académico y comunidad científica. Además, se pretende identificar ...