Now showing items 1-5 of 5
La Conversión de Texto en Habla Multidominio: principios y portabilidad
(Universidad de Zaragoza, 2006-11-08)
La conversión de texto en habla (CTH) multidominio per-sigue conseguir una calidad sintética cercana a la de lossistemas de CTH diseñados para un determinado ámbi-to o aplicación, aumentando su flexibilidad ...
GTM-URL Contribution to the INTERSPEECH 2009 Emotion Challenge
(10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Associations, Brighton, 6-10 of September 2009, 2009-09)
This paper describes our participation in the INTERSPEECH
2009 Emotion Challenge [1]. Starting from our previous
experience in the use of automatic classification for the
validation of an expressive ...
A Pitch Marks Filtering Algorithm Based on Restricted Dynamic Programming
(Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. INTERSPEECH 2006, 2006-09-17)
In this paper, a generic pitch marks filtering algorithm (PMFA) is introduced in order to achieve reliable and smooth pitch marks
from any input pitch tracking or marking algorithm. The proposed PMFA ...
Multi-domain Text-to-Speech Synthesis by Automatic Text Classification
(Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. INTERSPEECH 2006, 2006-09-17)
This paper describes a multi-domain text-to-speech (MD-TTS)synthesis strategy for generating speech among different domainsand so increasing the flexibility of high quality TTS systems. Tothat ...
Text Classification based on Associative Relational Networks for Multi-Domain Text-to-Speech Synthesis
(The SIGIR Workshop on Directions in Computational Analysis of Stylistics in Text Retrieval, Seattle, August 2006, 2006-08)
This work is a step further in our research towards developing a new strategy for high quality text-to-speech (TTS)
synthesis among different domains. In this context, it is
necessary to select the most ...