Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Interannual Variation of a 12,760 km Transequatorial Ionospheric Channel Availability and Its Dependence on Ionization
(MDPI, 2016-07-15)
The ionosphere provides a channel able for long-haul and Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) communications. Nonetheless, the amount of ionization depends on the Sun activity, whose diurnal and seasonal cycles ...
Posters & Beers
(Actas de las XXII Jornadas de la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática, Almería, 5-8 de julio del 2016, 2016-07)
En la mayoría de congresos, las sesiones de pósteres
que se organizan acostumbran a tener un éxito bastante limitado debido normalmente al enfoque claramente distinto de sus trabajos y a la falta de ...
Videogame Technology in Architecture Education
(18th International Conference, HCI International,Toronto, July 17-22, 2016, 2016-07)
Videogame technology is quickly maturing and approaching levels
of realism once reserved to 3D rendering applications used in architecture, in realtime and with the capacity to react in real-time to ...
Automated Audio Data Monitoring for a Social Robot in Ambient Assisted Living Environments
(OmniaScience, 2016-11-04)
Human life expectancy has steadily grown over the last century, which has driven governments and institutions to increase the efforts on caring about the eldest segment of the population. Although this ...
Festa, filosofia, amistat
(Col·loquis de Vic XX 2015, 2016)
La ludificación como estrategia de mejora de la motivación, rendimiento académico y satisfacción de los estudiantes
(Actas de las XXII Jornadas de la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática, Almería, 5-8 de julio de 2016, 2016-07)
La ludificación es una estrategia pedagógica que se
caracteriza por utilizar las técnicas, elementos y
dinámicas de los juegos en actividades ajenas a
estos. Para utilizarla en un entorno educativo ...
An FPGA Platform Proposal for Real-Time Acoustic Event Detection: Optimum Platform Implementation for Audio Recognition with Time Restrictions
(MDPI, 2016-11-14)
Nowadays, monitoring of people and events is a common matter in the street, in the industry or at home, and acoustic event detection is commonly used. This increases the knowledge of what is happening ...
Turismo, paisaje y arquitectura. El camping como proceso de regeneración en Salou
(Jornadas de Investigación Emergente en Conservación y Restauración de Patrimonio, Valencia, 26 de octubre 2016, 2016-10)
El grupo IAR-IAM (Investigaciones de Arquitectura Mediterránea), de la ETSA La Salle, Universidad Ramon Llull,
desarrolla su investigación sobre el patrimonio arquitectónico de los asentamientos turísticos ...
Software defined utility: A step towards a flexible, reliable and low-cost smart grid
(International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, Barcelona, 9-11 September 2016, 2016-09)
TheSmart Grid relies in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) but usually there is still a lack of integration in their deployment. They are designed as separated systems and ...
CASPER Project: Social Pet Robots facilitating tasks in Therapies withChildren with ASD
(OmniaScience, 2016-11-04)
In this paper, we present a Cognitive Assistive SocialPet Robot design and an early field study with it to facilitatelearning with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The roboticplatform is a low-cost ...