Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Tagged time-dependent angular analysis of B0s→J/ψϕ decays with the 2010 LHCb data
(13th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines, Amsterdam, 4-8 of April 2011, 2011-04)
The interference between B0s decays to Jψϕ either directly or via B0s−B¯0s oscillation gives rise to a CP violating phase ϕJ/ψϕs. In the Standard Model, this phase is approximately -2βs, where βs = arg ...
Aplicación docente de Realidad Aumentada en cursos universitarios de representación de proyectos de Arquitectura. Case study of application of augmented reality in university courses for representation of projects of architecture
(15th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics, Santa Fe, 16-18 of November 2011, 2011-11)
The purpose of the work is to define and evaluate a method for the application of 3D rendering techniques
with augmented reality in architectural courses and graphic representation. This will allow ...
Sistemas Operativos Avanzados: de la clase magistral al entornocolaborativo
(XVII Jornadas de Enseñanza universitaria de la Informática, Sevilla, del 6-8 de julio 2011, 2011-07)
La implantación del Espacio Europeo de EducaciónSuperior (EEES) apuesta, entre otras cosas, por unnuevo modelo educativo en el que el alumno es elactor principal y el profesor queda relegado a un se-gundo ...
Tagged time-dependent angular analysis of Bs→J/ψϕ decays with 337~pb−1 at LHCb
(25th International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies, Mumbai, 22-27 of August 2011, 2011-08)
The interference between Bs decays to J/ψϕ either directly or via Bs−B¯¯¯¯s oscillation gives rise to a CP violating phase ϕJψϕs. Using a sample of 8276±94 Bs→J/ψϕ events extracted from 337~pb−1 of pp ...
QR-codes applied to architecture data and teaching
(The 7th International Conference on Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics, Orlando, 19-22 of July 2011, 2011-07)
The purpose of this paper is to study the use of Quick Response
Codes (QR codes) in the architecture framework and propose
methods for evaluating future solutions that provide both the
visualization of ...
Los clickers como soporte en las aulas para mayores
(IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Universidades para Mayores, Alicante, 27-30 de junio 2011, 2011-06)
La aparición de nuevas tecnologías aplicables al mundo docente ha
hecho que las clases impartidas a gente mayor puedan plantearse desde otros puntos de
vista alejados del formato más clásico. En el ...
Códigos QR aplicados a la visualización de elementos arquitectónicos
(15th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics, Santa Fe, 16-18 of November 2011, 2011-11)
In recent years it has popularized the use of two-dimensional codes associated with all types of information.
Usually we can find them in advertisements, receipts and all kinds of tickets, but also they ...
Dynamic Distributed Storage Architecture on Smart Grids
(The 6th International Conference Software and Data Technologies, Seville, 18-21 of July 2011, 2011-07)
Most of the power network services such as voltage control, asset management, or flow monitoring are implemented within a centralized paradigm. Novel distributed power generation techniques—eolian fields ...
Applying Distance Metric Learning in a Collaborative Melanoma Diagnosis System with Case-Based Reasoning
(The 14th Workshop on Case-based reasoning at the 29th SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, 13-15 of December 2011, 2011-12)
Current social habits in solar exposure have increased the appearance of melanoma
cancer in the last few years. The highest mortality rates in dermatological cancers are caused
for this illness. In spite ...
Implementation of methodological processes of users experience with 3D technology and augmented reality. Case study with students of architecture and users with disabilities
(The 7th International Conference on Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics, Orlando, 19-22 of July 2011, 2011-07)
Architecture and other cultural places of interest are shown as
the results of the progress of evolution of society. People have a
right to access these: "Everyone, as a member of society ...
entitled ...