Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Sistemas de Visualización Gamificados para la mejora de la Motivación Intrínseca en Estudiantes de Arquitectura
(IV Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Competitividad-CINAIC, Zaragoza, del 4-6 de octubre 2017, 2017-10)
El artículo presenta y analiza los resultados obtenidos en el proceso de incorporar sistemas gamificados de visualización 3D para proyectos urbanos en los estudios de ...
User's experience in the visualization of architectural images in different environments
(4th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, 29 of June to 2 of July 2010, 2010-06)
The visualization of images, both photographic and infographic, is a process that depends on a series of features that define the user (user profile: age, sex, culture or experience, ...
FACe! 3D Facial Animation System based on FACS
(IV Iberoamerican Symposium in Computer Graphics, Isla de Margarita, 15-17 of Juny 2009, 2009-06)
In this paper we present a 3D facial animation system named FACe! It is able to generate different expressions of
the face throughout punctual and combined activation of Action Units, defined by Facial ...