Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Interannual Variation of a 12,760 km Transequatorial Ionospheric Channel Availability and Its Dependence on Ionization
(MDPI, 2016-07-15)
The ionosphere provides a channel able for long-haul and Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) communications. Nonetheless, the amount of ionization depends on the Sun activity, whose diurnal and seasonal cycles ...
Narrowband and Wideband Channel Sounding of an Antarctica to Spain Ionospheric Radio Link
(The 1st International Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing, Basel, 22 of June to 5 of July 2015, 2015-06)
La Salle and Ebro Observatory have been involved in several joint projects about
remote sensing in Antarctica for the last 11 years (approximately one solar cycle). The Ebro
Observatory has been monitoring ...
The impact of man-made noise on the passenger transport stations of Port of Barcelona
(Proceedings of Internoise 2019. The 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering, Madrid, 16-19 June 2019, 2019-06)
Ports and harbours are logistic nodes characterized by several types of noise,
which can usually occur in a concurrent manner in the same harbour premises:
ferries, cruises, fishing and trade ships ...
Real-Time Audio Event Detection over a Low-Cost GPU Platform for Surveillance in Remote Elderly Monitoring
(MDPI, 2017-11-14)
The average of life expectancy of the population and the prioritization of authorities in active and home aging has increased recently. This has led governments and private organizations to increase ...
Performance Analysis of the Acoustic Event Detector in the DYNAMAP’s Rome suburban area
(Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, Aachen, 9 to 13 September 2019, 2019-09)
Environmental noise is increasing year after year and, besides annoyance, it causes harmful health effects on
people according to last 2018 WHO report. The Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC (END) ...
Using 3D city model platform for the analysis of Andorra’s Soundscape
(Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, Aachen, 9 to 13 September 2019, 2019-09)
In a SmartCities world, with the citizen in the center of all the decisions, the measurement of environmental
noise cannot be limited to provide an equivalent level captured over a certain time in a ...
homeSound: A High Performance Platform for Massive Data Acquisitionand Processing in Ambient Assisted Living Environments
(Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks. SENSORNETS, Porto, 19-21 February 2017, 2017-02)
Las Smart Grids se presentan como una solución a la demanda de la gestión distribuida e inteligente de la energía, mejorando así las funciones de automatización, recolección ...