Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Anomalous Noise Events Considerations for the Computation of Road Traffic Noise Levels: The Dynamap's Milan Case Study
(24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2017, 2017-07-23)
Dynamic noise maps are computed to represent the noise levels generated by road traffic in realtime to determine the population exposure to environmental noise. To this aim, a network ofacoustic ...
Detecting Anomalous Noise Events on Low-Capacity Acoustic Sensor in Dynamic Road Traffic Noise Mapping
(4th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, 2017-11-13)
One of the main aspects affecting the life of people living in urban and suburban areas is their continued exposure to high road traffic noise (RTN) levels, traditionally measured by specialists working ...
Real-Time Audio Event Detection over a Low-Cost GPU Platform for Surveillance in Remote Elderly Monitoring
(MDPI, 2017-11-14)
The average of life expectancy of the population and the prioritization of authorities in active and home aging has increased recently. This has led governments and private organizations to increase ...
Real-time urban traffic noise maps: the influence of Anomalous Noise Events in Milan Pilot area of DYNAMAP
(46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. INTERNOISE 2017, 2017-08-27)
The DYNAMAP project is expected to provide the traffic noise mapping of the city of Milan with an updating interval down to 5 minutes, thanks to a network of real-time noise monitoring ...
Anomalous Noise Events Considerations for the Computation of Road Traffic Noise Levels in Suburban Areas: The DYNAMAP's Rome Case Study
(44° Congress of the Italian Acoustic Association, 2017-06-07)
homeSound: A High Performance Platform for Massive Data Acquisitionand Processing in Ambient Assisted Living Environments
(Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks. SENSORNETS, Porto, 19-21 February 2017, 2017-02)
Las Smart Grids se presentan como una solución a la demanda de la gestión distribuida e inteligente de la energía, mejorando así las funciones de automatización, recolección ...