Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Classifying Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms using Machine Learning techniques
(4rt Congrés Català d'Intel.ligència Artificial, Barcelona, 24-25 d'octubre de 2001, 2001-10)
This paper presents a Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) of breast cancer from mammograms. The first part involves severa! image processing techniques, which extract a set of features from the microcalcifications ...
Genetic Classifier System as a heuristic weighting method for a Case-Based Classifier System
(3r Congrés Català d'Intel·ligència Artificial, Vilanova i la Geltrú, del 5-7 d'octubre 2000, 2000-10)
This paper proposes how to use a Genetic Classifier System as a heuristic weighting method for a Case-Based Classifier System. The preliminary results are performed into a specific domain: the prediction ...
Comparison of Strategies Based on Evolutionary Computation for the Design of Similarity Functions
(8th International Conference of the ACIA on Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, Alguer, 26-28 October, 2005, 2005-10)
One of the main keys in case-based reasoning system is the retrievalphase, where the most similar cases are retrieved by means of a similarity function.According to the problem, the ...
BASTIAN: incorporating the Rough Sets theory into a Case-Bases Classifier System
(3r Congrés Català d'Intel·ligència Artificial, Vilanova i la Geltrú, del 5-7 d'octubre 2000, 2000-10)
This paper proposes how to incorporate the Rough Sets theory as a weighting method into a Case-Based Classifier System. This hybrid system has been implemented into the platform called BASTIAN ( ...