Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Linguistic and Mixed Excitation Improvements on a HMM-based speech synthesis for Castilian Spanish
(6th ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Bonn, 22-24 of August 2007, 2007-08)
HiddenMarkov Models based text-to-speech(HMM-TTS)synthesis is one of the techniques for generating speech from
trained statistical models where spectrum and prosody of basic speech units are modelled ...
The impact of man-made noise on the passenger transport stations of Port of Barcelona
(Proceedings of Internoise 2019. The 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering, Madrid, 16-19 June 2019, 2019-06)
Ports and harbours are logistic nodes characterized by several types of noise,
which can usually occur in a concurrent manner in the same harbour premises:
ferries, cruises, fishing and trade ships ...
Análisis y Síntesis Audiovisual para Interfaces Multimodales Ordenador-Persona
(VII Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador, Puertollano, del 13-17 de noviembre 2006, 2006-11)
Las técnicas multimodales de procesamiento de señal están llamadas
a jugar un papel preponderante en la implementación de interfaces que faciliten
la interacción natural entre los ordenadores y los ...
La Conversión de Texto en Habla Multidominio: principios y portabilidad
(Universidad de Zaragoza, 2006-11-08)
La conversión de texto en habla (CTH) multidominio per-sigue conseguir una calidad sintética cercana a la de lossistemas de CTH diseñados para un determinado ámbi-to o aplicación, aumentando su flexibilidad ...
Training an Anomalous Noise Event Detection Algorithm for Dynamic Road Traffic Noise Mapping: Environmental Noise Recording Campaign
(46º Congreso Español De Acústica, Encuentro Ibérico De Acústica, European Symposium on Virtual Acoustics and Ambisonics, Valencia, del 21-23 de octubre 2015, 2015-10)
The LIFE+ DYNAMAP project aims at creating dynamic road traffic noise maps automatically upon the levels measured by a low cost sensors network. To ensure these maps reflect ...
Feature Diversity in Cluster Ensembles for Robust Document Clustering
(29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, Seattle, 6-11 of August 2006, 2006-08)
The performance of document clustering systems depends
on employing optimal text representations, which are not
only difficult to determine beforehand, but also may vary
from one clustering problem to ...
GTM-URL Contribution to the INTERSPEECH 2009 Emotion Challenge
(10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Associations, Brighton, 6-10 of September 2009, 2009-09)
This paper describes our participation in the INTERSPEECH
2009 Emotion Challenge [1]. Starting from our previous
experience in the use of automatic classification for the
validation of an expressive ...
Performance Analysis of the Acoustic Event Detector in the DYNAMAP’s Rome suburban area
(Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, Aachen, 9 to 13 September 2019, 2019-09)
Environmental noise is increasing year after year and, besides annoyance, it causes harmful health effects on
people according to last 2018 WHO report. The Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC (END) ...
Local minimum generation error criterion for hybrid HMM speech synthesis
(10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Associations, Brighton, 6-10 of September 2009, 2009-09)
This paper presents an HMM-driven hybrid speech synthesis
approach in which unit selection concatenative synthesis is used
to improve the quality of the statistical system using a Local
Minimum Generation ...
HMM-based Spanish speech synthesis using CBR as F0 estimator
(ITRW on Nonlinear Speech Processing, Paris, 22-25 of May 2007, 2007-05)
Hidden Markov Models based text-to-speech (HMM-TTS) syn thesis is a technique for generating speech from trained statisti cal models where spectrum, pitch and durations of basic speech
units are modelled ...