Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Linguistic and Mixed Excitation Improvements on a HMM-based speech synthesis for Castilian Spanish
(6th ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Bonn, 22-24 of August 2007, 2007-08)
HiddenMarkov Models based text-to-speech(HMM-TTS)synthesis is one of the techniques for generating speech from
trained statistical models where spectrum and prosody of basic speech units are modelled ...
GTM-URL Contribution to the INTERSPEECH 2009 Emotion Challenge
(10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Associations, Brighton, 6-10 of September 2009, 2009-09)
This paper describes our participation in the INTERSPEECH
2009 Emotion Challenge [1]. Starting from our previous
experience in the use of automatic classification for the
validation of an expressive ...
Adaptación del CTH-URL para la competición Albayzin 2008
(V Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla, Bilbao, del 12-14 de noviembre 2008, 2008-11)
En esta comunicación describimos el sistema de síntesis de voz
presentado a la competición Albayzin 2008. Es un sistema que
sigue un esquema clásico de concatenación de unidades basado
en corpus. Cabe ...
HMM-based Spanish speech synthesis using CBR as F0 estimator
(ITRW on Nonlinear Speech Processing, Paris, 22-25 of May 2007, 2007-05)
Hidden Markov Models based text-to-speech (HMM-TTS) syn thesis is a technique for generating speech from trained statisti cal models where spectrum, pitch and durations of basic speech
units are modelled ...