Now showing items 1-7 of 7
DYNAMAP: a system with low-cost hardware and artificial intelligence to compute real time noise maps
(45º Congreso Español De Acústica, 8º Congreso Ibérico De Acústica, European Symposium on Smart cities and environmental acoustics, 2014-10-20)
High quality Spanish restricted-domain TTSoriented to a weather forecast application
(9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. Interspeech'2005 - Eurospeech, 2005-09-04)
A restricted domain text-to-speech system oriented to a weatherforecast application is presented. This TTS system is embed-ded in a multimedia interactive service accessible from differ-ent media, such ...
Análisis y Síntesis Audiovisual para Interfaces Multimodales Ordenador-Persona
(VII Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador, Puertollano, del 13-17 de noviembre 2006, 2006-11)
Las técnicas multimodales de procesamiento de señal están llamadas
a jugar un papel preponderante en la implementación de interfaces que faciliten
la interacción natural entre los ordenadores y los ...
Training an Anomalous Noise Event Detection Algorithm for Dynamic Road Traffic Noise Mapping: Environmental Noise Recording Campaign
(46º Congreso Español De Acústica, Encuentro Ibérico De Acústica, European Symposium on Virtual Acoustics and Ambisonics, Valencia, del 21-23 de octubre 2015, 2015-10)
The LIFE+ DYNAMAP project aims at creating dynamic road traffic noise maps automatically upon the levels measured by a low cost sensors network. To ensure these maps reflect ...
Feature Diversity in Cluster Ensembles for Robust Document Clustering
(29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, Seattle, 6-11 of August 2006, 2006-08)
The performance of document clustering systems depends
on employing optimal text representations, which are not
only difficult to determine beforehand, but also may vary
from one clustering problem to ...
Multi-domain Text-to-Speech Synthesis by Automatic Text Classification
(Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. INTERSPEECH 2006, 2006-09-17)
This paper describes a multi-domain text-to-speech (MD-TTS)synthesis strategy for generating speech among different domainsand so increasing the flexibility of high quality TTS systems. Tothat ...
Text Classification based on Associative Relational Networks for Multi-Domain Text-to-Speech Synthesis
(The SIGIR Workshop on Directions in Computational Analysis of Stylistics in Text Retrieval, Seattle, August 2006, 2006-08)
This work is a step further in our research towards developing a new strategy for high quality text-to-speech (TTS)
synthesis among different domains. In this context, it is
necessary to select the most ...