Browsing Contribucions a congressos by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 201
Networking: media, representation and architecture
(Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, 2000-01)In this paper we present a pedagogic work, carried out in a third year architecture course, focused on the relationship between teaching content and media. The subject-matter of the course is the concept ... -
Validation of an acoustical modelling of emotional expression in Spanish using speech synthesis techniques
(2000-09)This paper describes the methodology used for validating the results obtained in a study about acoustical modelling of emotional expression in Castilian Spanish. We have obtained a set of rules that ... -
Iniciativas para motivar a los alumnos de Programación
(2000-09)La asignatura de Programación constituye una base fundamental para las diversas carreras de ingeniería. Los posibles enfoques que se pueden utilizar, tanto de contenidos como de método docente, son muy ... -
A BiCMOS discriminator interface for the SPD
(2000-09)A prototype chip for the analogue readout of the SPD in the LHCb Calorimeter is presented. The chip has been designed using the 0.8mm-BiCMOS technology of AMS and optimised for minimum size and ... -
Genetic Classifier System as a heuristic weighting method for a Case-Based Classifier System
(2000-10)This paper proposes how to use a Genetic Classifier System as a heuristic weighting method for a Case-Based Classifier System. The preliminary results are performed into a specific domain: the prediction ... -
MultiObjective Learning in a Genetic Classifier System (MOLeCS)
(2000-10)MOLeCS is a new Classifier System which addresses its learning as a multiobjective optimization of two goals: classifier accuracy and generality. These objectives are both emphasized in the fitness ... -
BASTIAN: incorporating the Rough Sets theory into a Case-Bases Classifier System
(2000-10)This paper proposes how to incorporate the Rough Sets theory as a weighting method into a Case-Based Classifier System. This hybrid system has been implemented into the platform called BASTIAN ( ... -
¿Cómo predecir la evolución del alumno?
(Actas de las VII Jornadas de Enseñanza universitaria de la Informática, 2001-07)Un aspecto muy importante en la enseñanza acualquier nivel es poder predecir a tiempo si unalumno conseguirá superar una asignatura. De estamanera, si se detecta a tiempo una desviación enel aprendizaje ... -
Analisi de l'avaluació incremental i de l'aplicació eficient de l'Algorisme Genètic en un Sistema Classificador
(2001-10)Aquest article parteix de l'ana!isi del sistema MOLeeS, un sistema classificador (eS) que evoluciona un conjunt de regles de classificació a partir d'algorismes genetics (GA). El sistema es descomposa ... -
Classifying Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms using Machine Learning techniques
(2001-10)This paper presents a Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) of breast cancer from mammograms. The first part involves severa! image processing techniques, which extract a set of features from the microcalcifications ... -
Component Analysis and Time Series Prediction
(2001-10)The relation between component analysis (PCA and ICA) and Multi-resolution Filtering is explained and its use to improve the prediction error in a time series is shown. An example applying the previous ... -
Generació de funcions de similitud mitjançant la Programació Genetica pel Raonament Basat en Casos
(2001-10)El raonament basat en casos recupera casos utilitzant una funció de similitud. La funció de similitud permet extraure els casos més similars de la memoria de casos al nou cas que volem resoldre. Per ... -
Evolution of Decision Trees
(2001-10)This paper addresses the issue of the induction of orthogonal, oblique and multivariate decision trees. Algorithms proposed by other researchers use heuristic, usually based on the information gain ... -
Mobile robot guidance using cellular neural networks and fuzzy logic
(2001-10)We show how a Cellular Neural Networks based image processing system together with a Tuzzy Logic controller are capable of providing the necessary signal processing to guide an autonomous mobile robot ... -
Extracting relevant information from input-output data
(4rt Congrés Català d'Intel.ligència Artificial, Barcelona, 24-25 d'octubre de 2001, 2001-10)In this paper a set of heuristic criteria devised to address the problems encountered in designing a fuzzy system from input-output data is presented. In particular, we show how to discriminate ... -
Left ventricle's surface reconstruction and volume estimation
(2002-06)This document describes the three-dimensional reconstruction of the internal and external surfaces of the human’s left ventricle from actual SPECT data. The reconstruction is a first process fitting in ... -
ALGTEC: Un complemento a la enseñanza del álgebra lineal en carreras de ingeniería de telecomunicaciones
(2002-06)En este artículo se presenta la aplicación multimedia ALGTEC (ÁLGebra y TECnología) que pretende acercar al alumno de ingeniería al ‘mundo del álgebra’ y a algunas de sus aplicaciones en el ‘mundo ... -
Surface and Volume Reconstruction of the Left Ventricle from SPECT data
(2002-07)This document describes the three-dimensional reconstruction of the internal and external surfaces of the human’s left ventricle from actual SPECT data. The reconstruction is a first process fitting in ... -
La evolución de la Síntesis del Habla en Ingeniería La Salle
(2002-12-16)Este artículo resume la trayectoria del grupo de Tecnologías del Habla de Ingeniería La Salle (Universitat Ramon Llull) en el marco de la investigación y el desarrollo de sistemas de síntesis del habla. ... -
Hybrid Deletion Policies for Case Base Maintenance
(Proceeding of the 16th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, 2003-05)Case memory maintenance in a Case-Based Reasoning sys-tem is important for two main reasons: (1) to control the casememory size; (2) to reduce irrelevant and redundant instancesthat may produce ...