Now showing items 1-20 of 201

    • Networking: media, representation and architecture 

      Madrazo, Leandro (Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, 2000-01)
      In this paper we present a pedagogic work, carried out in a third year architecture course, focused on the relationship between teaching content and media. The subject-matter of the course is the concept ...
    • Validation of an acoustical modelling of emotional expression in Spanish using speech synthesis techniques 

      Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Guaus Termens, Roger; Rodríguez, Angel; Lázaro, Patricia; Montoya, Norminanda; Blanco, Josep Maria; Bernadas, Dolors; Oliver, Josep Manel; Tena Parera, Daniel; Longhi, Ludovico (2000-09)
      This paper describes the methodology used for validating the results obtained in a study about acoustical modelling of emotional expression in Castilian Spanish. We have obtained a set of rules that ...
    • Iniciativas para motivar a los alumnos de Programación 

      Salamó Llorente, Maria; Camps Dausà, Joan; Vallespí, Carles; Vernet Bellet, David; Llorà Fàbrega, Xavier; Bernadó Mansilla, Ester; Garrell i Guiu, Josep Maria; González, Xavier (2000-09)
      La asignatura de Programación constituye una base fundamental para las diversas carreras de ingeniería. Los posibles enfoques que se pueden utilizar, tanto de contenidos como de método docente, son muy ...
    • A BiCMOS discriminator interface for the SPD 

      Diéguez, A.; Bota, S.; Gascón, D.; Garrido, L.; Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2000-09)
      A prototype chip for the analogue readout of the SPD in the LHCb Calorimeter is presented. The chip has been designed using the 0.8mm-BiCMOS technology of AMS and optimised for minimum size and ...
    • Genetic Classifier System as a heuristic weighting method for a Case-Based Classifier System 

      Golobardes, Elisabet; Llorà Fàbrega, Xavier; Garrell i Guiu, Josep Maria; Vernet Bellet, David; Bacardit Peñarroya, Jaume (2000-10)
      This paper proposes how to use a Genetic Classi­fier System as a heuristic weighting method for a Case-Based Classifier System. The preliminary re­sults are performed into a specific domain: the pre­diction ...
    • MultiObjective Learning in a Genetic Classifier System (MOLeCS) 

      Bernadó Mansilla, Ester; Garrell i Guiu, Josep Maria (2000-10)
      MOLeCS is a new Classifier System which addresses its learning as a multiobjective optimization of two goals: classifier accuracy and generality. These objectives are both emphasized in the fitness ...
    • BASTIAN: incorporating the Rough Sets theory into a Case-Bases Classifier System 

      Salamó Llorente, Maria; Golobardes, Elisabet (2000-10)
      This paper proposes how to incorporate the Rough Sets theory as a weighting method into a Case-Based Classifier System. This hybrid system has been implemented into the plat­form called BASTIAN ( ...
    • ¿Cómo predecir la evolución del alumno? 

      Vernet Bellet, David; Salamó Llorente, Maria; Vallespí, Carles; Camps Dausà, Joan; Golobardes, Elisabet (Actas de las VII Jornadas de Enseñanza universitaria de la Informática, 2001-07)
      Un aspecto muy importante en la enseñanza acualquier nivel es poder predecir a tiempo si unalumno conseguirá superar una asignatura. De estamanera, si se detecta a tiempo una desviación enel aprendizaje ...
    • Analisi de l'avaluació incremental i de l'aplicació eficient de l'Algorisme Genètic en un Sistema Classificador 

      Bernadó Mansilla, Ester; Garrell i Guiu, Josep Maria; Llorà Fàbrega, Xavier (2001-10)
      Aquest article parteix de l'ana!isi del sistema MOLeeS, un sistema classificador (eS) que evolu­ciona un conjunt de regles de classificació a partir d'algorismes genetics (GA). El sistema es descom­posa ...
    • Classifying Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms using Machine Learning techniques 

      Golobardes, Elisabet; Martí, Joan; Español, Josep; Salamó Llorente, Maria; Freixenet, Jordi; Llorà Fàbrega, Xavier; Maroto, Albert; Bernadó Mansilla, Ester (2001-10)
      This paper presents a Computer Aided Diag­nosis (CAD) of breast cancer from mammograms. The first part involves severa! image processing techniques, which extract a set of features from the microcalcifications ...
    • Component Analysis and Time Series Prediction 

      Gómez Ramírez, Eduardo; Martorell Rodon, Josep M.; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier (2001-10)
      The relation between component analysis (PCA and ICA) and Multi-resolution Filtering is ex­plained and its use to improve the prediction er­ror in a time series is shown. An example applying the previous ...
    • Generació de funcions de similitud mitjançant la Programació Genetica pel Raonament Basat en Casos 

      Golobardes, Elisabet; Nieto, Mireya; Camps Dausà, Joan; Calzada, Gemma; Martí, Joan; Vernet Bellet, David; Salamó Llorente, Maria (2001-10)
      El raonament basat en casos recupera casos utilit­zant una funció de similitud. La funció de simi­litud permet extraure els casos més similars de la memoria de casos al nou cas que volem resoldre. Per ...
    • Evolution of Decision Trees 

      Llorà Fàbrega, Xavier; Garrell i Guiu, Josep Maria (2001-10)
      This paper addresses the issue of the induction of orthogonal, oblique and mul­tivariate decision trees. Algorithms pro­posed by other researchers use heuristic, usually based on the information gain ...
    • Mobile robot guidance using cellular neural networks and fuzzy logic 

      Balsi, Marco; Maraschini, Alessandro; Apicella, Giada; Luengo Álvarez, Sonia; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier (2001-10)
      We show how a Cellular Neural Networks based im­age processing system together with a Tuzzy Logic controller are capable of providing the necessary signal processing to guide an autonomous mobile robot ...
    • Extracting relevant information from input-output data 

      Garriga Berga, Carles (4rt Congrés Català d'Intel.ligència Artificial, Barcelona, 24-25 d'octubre de 2001, 2001-10)
      In this paper a set of heuristic criteria devised to address the problems encountered in designing a fuzzy system from input-output data is presented. In particular, we show how to discriminate ...
    • Left ventricle's surface reconstruction and volume estimation 

      García Pañella, Óscar; Susín Sánchez, Antonio (2002-06)
      This document describes the three-dimensional reconstruction of the internal and external surfaces of the human’s left ventricle from actual SPECT data. The reconstruction is a first process fitting in ...
    • ALGTEC: Un complemento a la enseñanza del álgebra lineal en carreras de ingeniería de telecomunicaciones 

      Montero Morales, José Antonio; Martínez Marroquín, Elisa; Moran Moreno, José Antonio; Alías Pujol, Francesc; Rodríguez Oliver, Jordi (2002-06)
      En este artículo se presenta la aplicación multimedia ALGTEC (ÁLGebra y TECnología) que pretende acercar al alumno de ingeniería al ‘mundo del álgebra’ y a algunas de sus aplicaciones en el ‘mundo ...
    • Surface and Volume Reconstruction of the Left Ventricle from SPECT data 

      García Pañella, Óscar; Susín Sánchez, Antonio (2002-07)
      This document describes the three-dimensional reconstruction of the internal and external surfaces of the human’s left ventricle from actual SPECT data. The reconstruction is a first process fitting in ...
    • La evolución de la Síntesis del Habla en Ingeniería La Salle 

      Alías Pujol, Francesc; Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi (2002-12-16)
      Este artículo resume la trayectoria del grupo de Tecnologías del Habla de Ingeniería La Salle (Universitat Ramon Llull) en el marco de la investigación y el desarrollo de sistemas de síntesis del habla. ...
    • Hybrid Deletion Policies for Case Base Maintenance 

      Salamó Llorente, Maria; Golobardes Ribé, Elisabet (Proceeding of the 16th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, 2003-05)
      Case memory maintenance in a Case-Based Reasoning sys-tem is important for two main reasons: (1) to control the casememory size; (2) to reduce irrelevant and redundant instancesthat may produce ...