Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Automatic tutoring system to support cross-disciplinary training in Big Data
(Springer, 2021-02)
During the last decade, Big Data has emerged as a powerful alternative to address latent challenges in scalable data management. The ever-growing amount and rapid evolution of tools, techniques, and ...
PyFF: A Fog-Based Flexible Architecture for EnablingPrivacy-by-Design IoT-Based Communal Smart Environments
(MDPI, 2021-05)
The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the massive growth of devices connected tothe Internet are reshaping modern societies. However, human lifestyles are not evolving at the samepace as ...
An Adaptive and Scalable Replication Protocol on Power Smart Grids
(Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, 2011-09)
Cloud based storage systems are known to provide high scalability and reliability overcoming the traditional
constraints of static distributed systems. The processing capacity over thousands of machines ...
Epidemia: Variable Consistency for Transactional Cloud Databases
(J.UCS, 2014-12)
Classic replication protocols running on traditional cluster-based databases are currently unable to meet the ever-growing scalability demands of many modern software applications. Recent cloud-based ...