Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Variation of Ionospheric Narrowband and Wideband Performance for a 12,760 km Transequatorial Link and Its Dependence on Solar and Ionospheric Activity
(MDPI, 2020-08)
The ionosphere provides a channel that is able to propagate electromagnetic waves for long-haul communications, allowing Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) radio communications in the high-frequency band (HF). ...
Protected Users: A Moodle Plugin To Improve Confidentiality and Privacy Support through User Aliases
(MDPI, 2020-03)
The privacy policies, terms, and conditions of use in any Learning Management System(LMS) are one-way contracts. The institution imposes clauses that the student can accept or decline.Students, once ...
Privacidad, seguridad y legalidad en soluciones educativas basadas en Blockchain: Una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura
(UNED, 2020-03)
La Analítica del Aprendizaje (proveniente del término en inglés Learning Analytics) procesa los datos de los estudiantes, incluso los estudiantes menores de edad. El ciclo analítico consiste ...