Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Digital Transmission Techniques for a Long Haul HF Link: DS-SS vs. OFDM
(Wiley, 2014-06)
This paper presents two digital transmission techniques for long haul ionospheric links. Since2003 we have studied the HF link between the Antarctic Spanish Base, Juan Carlos I, and Spain; and wehave ...
Vertical and Oblique ionospheric soundings over the long haul HF link between Antarctica and Spain
(Wiley, 2015-09)
This paper presents a comparative study between the oblique sounding results, theInternational Telecommunication Union Rec533 HF prediction model, and the vertical sounding results of atransequatorial ...
Polarization diversity in a long-haul transequatorial HF link from Antarctica to Spain
(Wiley, 2017-01)
This paper describes a set of experiments which examine the feasibility of applying polarization diversity to a 12,760 km ionospheric link from Livingston Island (62.6°S, 60.4°W), South Shetlands, to ...
Ionospheric Narrowband and Wideband HF Soundings for Communications Purposes: A Review
(MDPI, 2020-04)
High Frequency (HF) communications through ionospheric reflection is a widely usedtechnique specifically for maritime, aeronautical, and emergency services communication withremote areas due ...
An Approach to Frequency Selectivity in an Urban Environment by Means of Multi-Path Acoustic Channel Analysis
(MDPI, 2019-06)
The improvement of quality of life in the framework of the smart city paradigm cannot be limited to a set of objective measures carried out over several critical parameters (e.g., noise or air pollution). ...