Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Physical Layer Definition for a Long-Haul HF Antarctica to Spain Radio Link
(MDPI, 2016-05)
La Salle and the Observatori de l’Ebre (OE) have been involved in a remote sensing project in Antarctica for the last 11 years. The OE has been monitoring the geomagnetic activity for more than twenty ...
Detection of Anomalous Noise Events for Real-Time Road-Traffic Noise Mapping: The Dynamap's project case study
(De Gruyter, 2018-06)
Environmental noise is increasing year after year, especially in urban and suburban areas. Besides annoyance, environmental noise also causes harmful health effects on people. The Environmental Noise ...
Narrowband and Wideband Channel Sounding of an Antarctica to Spain Ionospheric Radio Link
(MDPI, 2015-09)
La Salle and Ebro Observatory have been involved in remote sensing projects in Antarctica for the last 11 years (approximately one solar cycle). The Ebro Observatory has been monitoring and analyzing ...
Detection of Anomalous Noise Events on Low-Capacity Acoustic Nodes for Dynamic Road Traffic Noise Mapping within an Hybrid WASN
(MDPI, 2018-04)
One of the main aspects affecting the quality of life of people living in urban and suburban areas is the continuous exposure to high road traffic noise (RTN) levels. Nowadays, thanks to Wireless Acoustic ...
Sons al balcó: Soundscape Map of the Confinement in Catalonia
(MDPI, 2020-11)
In this project, we aim to study the effect that the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has caused on the perception of noise in Catalonia. In Sons al Balcó, the research activities cohabit with the ...
A WASN-Based Suburban Dataset for Anomalous Noise Event Detection on Dynamic Road-Traffic Noise Mapping
(MDPI, 2019-05)
Traffic noise is presently considered one of the main pollutants in urban and suburban areas. Several recent technological advances have allowed a step forward in the dynamic computation of road-traffic ...
On the Impact of Anomalous Noise Events on Road Traffic Noise Mapping in Urban and Suburban Environments
(MDPI, 2017-12)
Noise pollution is a critical factor affecting public health, the relationship between road traffic noise (RTN) and several diseases in urban areas being especially disturbing. The Environmental Noise ...
Aggregate Impact of Anomalous Noise Events on the WASN-Based Computation of Road Traffic Noise Levels in Urban and Suburban Environments
(MDPI, 2020-01)
Environmental noise can be defined as the accumulation of noise pollution caused by sounds generated by outdoor human activities, Road Traffic Noise (RTN) being the main source in urban and suburban ...