Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Nonuniform Overlapping Method in Designing Microstrip Patch Antennas Using Genetic Algorithm Optimization
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2015-01)
Genetic algorithm (GA) has been a popular optimization technique used for performance improvement of microstrip patch
antennas (MPAs).When using GA, the patch geometry is optimized by dividing the patch ...
Advances in Antenna Technology for Wireless Handheld Devices
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013-01)
The constant evolution of wireless handheld devices together with the apparition of multiple wireless communication systemsfosters the antenna community to design new radiating and measurements systems ...
Antenna-Less Wireless: A Marriage Between Antenna and Microwave Engineering
(Horizon House, 2017-10-12)
For many decades, antenna and microwave engineering have been adjacent yet fairly separate disciplines. Both have experienced such a high degree of specialization and sophistication that experts in one ...