Now showing items 1-10 of 215
From Male “Chance Narratives” to Female “Defeat Narratives”: Researchers in Catalonia Narrating the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on their Lives and Jobs
(Oxford Academic, 2023-04)
This article proposes a three-fold typology to classify the narratives of forty-eight researchers in Catalonia describing the impact the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic had on their professional and ...
Uso responsable de Internet y seguridad digital: revisión sistemática de programas educativos
(Universidad de Navarra, 2024-03)
El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue analizar los programas educativos que abordan el uso responsable de Internet para gestionar los diversos retos y riesgos del espacio digital. Se utilizaron ...
Adherence to eHealth-Delivered Exercise in Adults with no Specific Health Conditions: A Scoping Review on a Conceptual Challenge
(MDPI, 2022)
Adherence has emerged as a focal point and critical determinant of success for physical
activity interventions. The term is used for both traditional and digital interventions, and for prescribed and ...
Developing and Testing the Populi Needle Exchange Point Finder: An App to Reduce Harm Associated With Intravenous Drug Consumption Among Homeless and Non-homeless Drug Users
(Frontiers, 2020)
The spread of viral infections remains a serious public health problem. People who
inject drugs represent one of the highest-risk groups. eHealth and mHealth have been
shown to be effective in improving ...
Temporal trend of cardiorespiratory endurance in urban Catalan high school students over a 20 year period
(PeerJ, 2020)
Physical fitness is considered an important indicator of health in adolescents. However, in recent years several studies in the scientific literature have shown a considerable lower trend and ...
Higher Running Speed and Cardiovascular Endurance Are Associated with Greater Level of Academic Achievement in Urban Catalan Primary School Children
(MDPI, 2022)
The purpose of the present study was to determine the relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement in a sample of primary-school children. Data of 116 sixth-grade primary-school students ...
Relationship between Inter-Limb Asymmetries and Physical Performance in Rink Hockey Players
(MDPI, 2020)
The magnitude of inter-limb asymmetries has been reported in several studies in different team sports but only some of them have analysed their effects on sports performance. The main purpose of this ...
A dialogical self approach to the conceptualisation of teacher- inquirer identity
(Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, Springer Nature, 2020)
Over the last thirty years, a substantial number of publications have attempted to
conceptualise the ways in which teachers carry out inquiries in order to affect changes
in educational practice. A ...
La construcció del coneixement a partir de intuïcions prèvies: El mètode científic a educació infantil
(Editorial Graó, 2021-07)
La conversa i el diàleg són clau a l’educació infantil. Són espais privilegiats per aprendre a ser,
a expressar-se, a compartir i a escoltar. Són espais que permeten als infants crear opinió i
contrastar-la ...
Cardiorespiratory Coordination During Exercise in Adults With Down Syndrome
(Frontiers, 2021)
Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal disorder affecting simultaneously
cardiovascular and respiratory systems. There is no research studying the coupling
between these systems during ...