Browsing Articles publicats en revistes by Title
Now showing items 882-901 of 950
The influence of contextual variables on individual set-pieces in elite rink hockey
(International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, Volume 21, 2021 - Issue 3, 2021-02)The main objective of this research was to analyse the match context variables’ influence on individual set-piece’s success in rink-hockey. A sample of 196 matches, including 621 free direct hits (FDH) ... -
The Influence of Individual Set-Pieces in Elite Rink Hockey Match Outcomes
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18, 12368, 2021)Abstract: The main objective of this study was to analyze the influence of individual set-pieces (Free Direct Hits and Penalties) in elite rink hockey match outcomes in different game situations. A ... -
The Mediating Role of Vision in the Relationship between Proprioception and Postural Control in Older Adults, as Compared to Teenagers and Younger and Middle-Aged Adults
(Healthcare, 2022, 10, 103, 2022)Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyze the mediating role of vision in the relationship between conscious lower limb proprioception (dominant knee) and bipedal postural control (with eyes open and ... -
The Portrait Values Questionnaire: A bibliographic and bibliometric review of the instrument
(Aloma, 2017, Vol. 35, Núm. 1, 2017-06-15)This paper contains a bibliographic and a bibliometric review of the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ), the instrument proposed by Schwartz to assess human values. Schwartz’s theory of human values ... -
The Prayers of Evocatio and Devotio: Between Religious Ritual and Roman Law
(Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 60 (3-4), 399-416, 2021)This paper, which is a work in progress and a continuation of previous articles that were published on the Roman concepts of evocatio and devotio, will explore a new approach: the juridical context ... -
The problematic use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in adolescents by the cross sectional JOITIC study
(BMC Pediatrics, 2016, Vol. 16, Núm. 140, 2016)The emerging field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has brought about new interaction styles. Its excessive use may lead to addictive behaviours. The objective is to determine the ... -
The relationship between jumping to conclusions and social cognition in first-episode psychosis
(Schizophrenia 8, 39 (2022), 2022)Jumping to conclusions (JTC) and impaired social cognition (SC) affect the decoding, processing, and use of social information by people with psychosis. However, the relationship between them had not ... -
The SchoolWeavers Tool: supporting school leaders to weave learning ecosystems
(School Leadership & Management, 41(4–5), 429–446., 2020-06)Social capital has recently emerged as an effective approach to rethink schools as wider learning ecosystems where students, teachers, and families have greater access to learning resources through ... -
The SITLESS project: Exercise referral schemes enhanced by self-management strategies to battle sedentary behaviour in older adults: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
(Trials, 2017, 2017-06-28)Background: Older adults are the fastest growing segment of the world‘s population. Recent evidence indicates that excessive sitting time is harmful to health, independent of meeting the recommended ... -
The Spanish Family Quality of Life Scales under and over 18 Years Old: Psychometric Properties and Families’ Perceptions
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(21), 2020-10)Background: Family quality of life (FQoL), just like individual quality of life, has become a priority outcome in the policies and services received by persons with intellectual and developmental ... -
The Study of Educative network organizations in the City of barcelona: The nou barris district
(International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 2010, Vol. 1(2), 2010)This paper describes the inside organization of Educative Networks (ENs) and the aspects that allowed their growth and success in the city of Barcelona, Spain. ENs emerged over the past ten years in ... -
The use of an electrogoniometer to assess both lumbar range of movement and its conscious control: a comparison between healthy subjects and elite swimmers
(Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 2019 May; 178(5):277-86, 2019-05)BACKGROUND: Lumbar range of movement (ROM) and its conscious control play a crucial role in maintaining lumbar health and result in better limb efficiency, core control, stability and balance. However, ... -
Therapeutic Alliance in Online and Face-to-face Psychological Treatment: Comparative Study
(JMIR Mental Health, Vol.9(5):e36775, 2022, 2022)Background: Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of online mental health treatments have grown exponentially. Additionally, it seems inevitable that this technical resource is here to stay at health ... -
Therapeutic implications of selecting the SCORE (European) versus the D'AGOSTINO (American) risk charts for cardiovascular risk assessment in hypertensive patients
(BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2009), 9:17, 2009)Background No comparisons have been made of scales estimating cardiovascular mortality and overall cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The study objectives were to assess the agreement between the ... -
Tipos de agresión
(Aloma, 2001, Núm. 9, 2001) -
Towards a Plurilingual Development Paradigm. From Spontaneous to Informed Use of Translation in Additional Language Learning
(The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 2014, Vol. 8, Núm. 1, 2017-04-21)This paper explores the role played by translation in additional language learning (ALL) as a particular example of translation in other learning contexts (TOLC), i.e. translation as used in educational ... -
Trabajo emocional con el equipo en cuidados centrados en el desarrollo
(Aloma, 2010, Núm. 26, 2010-06)Los profesionales que trabajan en una UCIN (Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales) se encuentran con una tarea de características asistenciales muy específicas. Tienen que atender tanto a las ... -
Tractatus gradus ad parnassum
(Aloma, 2002, Núm. 10, 2002) -
La traducció automàtica com a eina didàctica a la classe de traducció i de llengües estrangeres
(Tradumàtica, 2006, Núm. 4, 2006)La traducció automàtica és un recurs que ja està en el món de les llengües i la traducció. Tot i que, des del punt de vista de la qualitat professional, encara ha de recórrer un bon camí, les eines de ... -
Training in the Application of Translation Strategies for Undergraduate Scientific Translation Students
(Meta, 2001, Vol. 46, Núm. 4, 2001)Un projet1 de recherche a été récemment effectué. Celui-ci comprenait les phases suivantes : 1. Mettre en relief ce qui était connu d'avance ou établi comme hypothèse sur le rôle des stratégies dans le ...