Now showing items 1-10 of 33
The Effect of Eight-Week Functional Core Training on Core Stability in Young Rhythmic Gymnasts: A Randomized Clinical Trial
(MDPI, 2022)
Abstract: It is suggested that core stability (CS) might improve rhythmic gymnasts’ performance. Nevertheless, the effect of core stability training (CST) in CS performance is not clear. Purpose: ...
Effects of Wearing a Jaw-repositioning Intra-oral Device in Synchronized Swimming Athletes
(Thieme, 2020-06)
The effects of wearing an intra-oral device on several ventilatory and fatigue markers have been reported for a variety of sports. The quality of the figures performed in synchronized swimming is directly ...
Intermittent cooling during judo training in a warm/humid environment reduces autonomic and hormonal impact
(National Strenght and Conditioning Research, 2018)
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of superficial cooling on physiological responses while training in a warm, humid environment during an international judo training camp. Sixteen ...
Behavioural Improvements in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder after Participation in an Adapted Judo Programme Followed by Deleterious Effects during the COVID-19 Lockdown
(MDPI, 2021)
The public health lockdown prompted by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,
which included school closures that may have potentially serious consequences for people with
disabilities or special ...
Adaptative Judo Best Practice: Autjudo. A Handbook on how to teach Judo to people with Austistic Spectrum Disorder
(Autjudo Project, 2022)
Este manual introduce al lector en el ámbito de la práctica de judo adaptado para
personas con Trastorno de Espectro Autista (TEA). Autjudo combina dos pasiones muy
importantes para los autores de esta ...
Physical activity, physical fitness and academic achievement in adolescents: a self-organizing maps approach
(Oxford University Press, 2017-05-29)
The relationship among physical activity, physical fitness and academic achievement in adolescents has been widely studied; however, controversy concerning this topic persists. The methods used thus far ...
Relación entre el desarrollo motor y el desarrollo intelectual. Un estudio empírico
(INEFC Barcelona, 2017-05-29)
There have been some speculations in the past about the links relating motor development to cognitive development; many
authors have tackled this aspect, resulting in the publication of many studies. ...
Effects of Jaw Clenching While Wearing a Customized Bite-Aligning Mouthpiece on Strength in Healthy Young Men
(Wolters Kluwer, 2016-04)
Recent studies have investigated the ergogenic effects of different types of mouthguards. There is evidence of the benefits of clenching customized mouthpieces on force and power development. The ...
Solucions tecnològiques per a l’estudi de la variabilitat de la freqüència cardíaca, l’estrès i la recuperació
(Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l’Educació i de l’Esport Blanquerna, 2016-11)
La variabilitat de la freqüència cardíaca (VFC) fa referència al temps de l’interval entre batec i batec del cor. A causa del fet que quest interval no és fix sinó que oscil·la constantment, la dinàmica ...
Impact of COVID-19 on the self-reported physical activity of people with complete thoracic spinal cord injury full-time manual wheelchair users
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2021)
Context: The emergence of COVID-19 caused a new public health crisis, leading to major changes in daily life
routines, often including physical activity (PA) levels. The main goal of this study was to ...