Browsing Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 983
Actualidad de la Hermenéutica como Filosofía de la Educación
(2016)En este artículo interrogamos la actualidad de la Hermenéutica como Filosofía de la Educación en la primera década del siglo veintiuno, después de la intensa recepción que la Pedagogía dio a la obra de ... -
Acute effect of posterior deltoid static stretching on Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit in elite swimmers after competition. A randomized trial
(The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 2018, Vol. 6, Núm. 6 (supl. 3), 2018)The aim of this study was to determine whether a static stretch of posterior deltoid could reduce the glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) and the total arc of movement deficit (TAMD) in ... -
Acute effects of fatigue on markers of service performance in young tennis players
(European College of Sport Science. ECSS Prague 2019, 2019)The acute effects of fatigue on serve speed, accuracy, and consistency were examined over consecutive days of prolonged tennis match play (2,3) or when a fatiguing exercise protocol was performed ... -
Acute effects of jaw clenching using a customized mouthguard on anaerobic ability and ventilatory flows
(Human Movement Science, 2015, Vol. 44, 2017-05-29)The latest findings on the ergogenic effects of a dentistry-design, bite-aligning mouthpiece require additional research to assess its impact on anaerobic ability and ventilatory parameters. This paper ... -
Acute effects of jaw clenching while wearing a customized bitealigning mouthguard on muscle activity and force production during maximal upper body isometric strength
(Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 21(2023), 157-164, 2022-12)Background/Objective: The possible mechanisms supporting the relationship between the masticatory and the musculoskeletal systems have been recently investigated. It has been suggested that jaw clenching ... -
Acute Effects of Wearing Bite-Aligning Mouthguards on Muscular Strength, Power, Agility and Quickness in a Trained Population: A Systematic Review
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 18(13), 6933, 2023-06)The purpose of the present systematic review was to determine the acute effects of wearing bite-aligning mouthguards on muscle strength, power, agility and quickness in athletes. A search of the current ... -
Adaptative Judo Best Practice: Autjudo. A Handbook on how to teach Judo to people with Austistic Spectrum Disorder
(2022)Este manual introduce al lector en el ámbito de la práctica de judo adaptado para personas con Trastorno de Espectro Autista (TEA). Autjudo combina dos pasiones muy importantes para los autores de esta ... -
Additional Language Acquisition at Infant School: Integrating MORE than Content and ILanguage
(APAC ELT Journal, 2009, 2009)English is taught as an additional language in many schools at pre-pri mary level. Starting early alone, however, does not guarantee satisfying results in the long run. This is why it is necessary to ... -
Adherence to eHealth-Delivered Exercise in Adults with no Specific Health Conditions: A Scoping Review on a Conceptual Challenge
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 10214, 2022)Adherence has emerged as a focal point and critical determinant of success for physical activity interventions. The term is used for both traditional and digital interventions, and for prescribed and ... -
Adicción a los videojuegos en línea: tratamiento mediante el programa PIPATIC
(Aloma, 2015, Vol. 33, Núm. 2, 2015-11)El desarrollo de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) ha propiciado investigaciones sobre la adicción a Internet, a los videojuegos y teléfonos móviles y su tratamiento. El objetivo ... -
Adolescents amb trastorns de conducta: percepció de l'estil de socialització rebut de les seves figures parentals
(Aloma, 2006, Núm. 18, 2006-06) -
Adopción internacional: un estudio con el test proyectivo Pata Negra
(Familia: revista de ciencias y orientación familiar, 2014, Núm. 48, 2013)En España, y especialmente en Cataluña, la primera década del siglo XXI ha estado marcada por un incremento excepcional de las adopciones internacionales, configurando así un nuevo modelo de familia ... -
Advice to the program Caixaproinfancia: change towards a socio-educational action model's assesment
(Pedagogía Social. Revista Interuniversitaria, 2016, Núm. 28, 3a època, 2016)The CaixaProinfancia program starts in 2007 in response to child poverty, from a model of public-private collaboration, through a multi-dimensional socio-educational action. It takes place in the most ... -
Advice to the program CaixaProInfancia; change towards a socio-educational action model's assesment
(Pedagogía Social, 2016, Núm. 28, 2016)The CaixaProinfancia program starts in 2007 in response to child poverty, from a model of public-private collaboration, through a multi-dimensional socio-educational action. It takes place in the most ... -
Afectos y cognición de los futuros maestros en la resolución de problemas matemáticos
(International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology / INFAD Revista de Psicología, 2016, Vol. 1, Núm. 1, 2016)El sistema educativo ha dedicado muchos esfuerzos al desarrollo de la mente racional y del conocimiento lógico y reflexivo, sin dar importancia a la dimensión afectiva al considerarse que las influencias ... -
Aimé Césaire: consciència de la negritud
(Ars Brevis, 2013, Núm. 19, 2017-06-01)The centenary of Aimé Césaire’s birth is the occasion to commemorate the thought of one the founders of Négritude. Author of literary work with great beauty and with a strongly committed political ... -
Aixecar murs o bastir ponts: la identitat dels moviments islamistes
(Ars Brevis, 2008, Núm. 14, 2017-06-07)El mitjà canvia el contingut. La inserció (voluntària o no) de l’islam en un context postmodern ha acabat afectant no només les possibilitats d’expansió de les idees islamistes, sinó també l’autopercepció ... -
Al voltant del dolor psíquic
(Aloma, 1998, Núm. 3, 1998) -
Algunas consideraciones en torno al deporte, el placer y el dolor
(Ars Brevis, 2004, Núm. 10, 2004)En aquest article, el professor Guillem Turró explora la relació entre pràctica esportiva i l'experiència del dolor. A partir de l'anàlisi d'alguns fenòmens esportius actuals, Guillem Turró investiga ... -
Algunes reflexions al voltant de la relació entre ciència, filosofia i religió
(Ars Brevis, 2005, Núm. 11, 2005)En aquest treball, els professors Fernández i Turró investiguen, com s'esmenta en el títol, les relacions, no sempre còmodes ni harmòniques, entre ciència, filosofia i religió a partir d'alguns dels ...