Browsing Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna by Title
Now showing items 910-929 of 1015
Tackling the Plurilingual Student/Monolingual Classroom Phenomenon
(Tesol Quarterly, 2016, vol. 51, Issue 1, 2016)For translation‐based activities to prove effective and shake off the negative connotations linked to this practice, they should be informed, authentic, and collaborative. The translation‐based project ... -
Tareas profesionales en la formación de maestros de educación infantil: promoviendo el razonamiento en 0-3
(Acta Scientiae, Núm. 23, Vol. 7 (2021), 2021)La formación de docentes en todos los niveles ha sido objeto de estudio permanente en las últimas décadas, sin embargo, en el caso de la Educación Infantil, se han realizado pocas investigaciones para ... -
Teacher Education beyond the Pandemic in Spain
(Education sciences, 2023, 13(7), 700, 2023-07)In the wake of the pandemic, there has been a clear need to understand the “new normal” contexts of teaching and learning and how they affect teacher education. In order to rethink and reimagine teacher ... -
Teacher training: technology helping to develop an innovative and reflective professional profile
(RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, Vol. 12, Núm. 2, 2015)En la societat de principis del segle xxi, caracteritzada com la societat del coneixement, la institució escolar no pot quedar aliena als ritmes del canvi actual, per la qual cosa la innovació constitueix ... -
Teachers of the 21st Century. Professional Competencies in Catalonia Today
(Educational Studies, 47(2), 217–237., 2019-11)This study explores the competencies that teachers need and it aims at both determining whether teachers currently have them and proposing training strategies that can contribute to achieving them. The ... -
Techno-progressives versus bio-conservatives
(Aloma, 2018, Vol. 36 (1), 2018)The aim of this article is to present the intellectual debate between techno-progressive and bio-conservative thinkers. The examination of the clash between these two schools of thought will take the ... -
Technological Readiness for Teaching Practices in Immersive Learning Environments Open Sim
(Journal of Universal Computing Science, Vol.20, Núm. 15, 2014)This article presents some results obtained partially during the first year of the TYMMI project. TYMMI's aim is to strengthen the professional performance of pre-service teachers in the real classroom. ... -
Tecnologia i lideratge educatiu: una perspectiva filosòfica
(Aloma, 2013, Vol. 31, Núm. 1, 2013) -
Tejiendo alianzas en y desde la universidad. El caso de la Facultad de Educación Blanquerna (URL)
(Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 23(74)., 2023-02)La institución universitaria se ha caracterizado habitualmente por un distanciamiento del mundo real, una tendencia a los compartimentos estancos y una considerable rigidez. El artículo ... -
Tejiendo los hilos del éxito escolar. Hacia un modelo interconectado para impulsar el éxito de nuestros estudiantes
(Profesorado. Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado, Vol. 22, Núm. 2, 2018)El éxito escolar es en la actualidad una prioridad para la inclusión social y el bienestar de las personas de toda la Unión Europea. En este sentido, España afronta un reto crucial con unas altas tasas ... -
Temporal trend of cardiorespiratory endurance in urban Catalan high school students over a 20 year period
(PeerJ, 8:e10365, 2020)Background Physical fitness is considered an important indicator of health in adolescents. However, in recent years several studies in the scientific literature have shown a considerable lower trend and ... -
Temps i espai en l'ensenyament de la geografia a Catalunya
(Aloma, 1999, Núm. 4, 1999) -
Temps serà temps: elogi d'una proposta de deflagració temporal
(Aloma, 1999, Núm. 4, 1999) -
Tendències etnogràfiques postmodernes en la investigació social de l'esport: de l'antropologia comprensiva al desenvolupament comunitari
(Aloma, 2003, Núm. 12, 2003-06) -
Tensions axiològiques a l'albada del mil·leni
(Aloma, 1999, Núm. 5, 1999) -
Testimonis d’un procés de formació inicial a partir de la seva narrativa
(Ars Brevis, 2016, Núm. 22, 2017-12-04)This article highlights the education of Catholic religion teachers through out their initial training from their experience at university. By thoroughly analysing the students’ narratives, elements for ... -
The Behaviour of Home Advantage during the COVID-19 Pandemic in European Rink Hockey Leagues
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 228, 2022)The primary purpose of the present study was to compare the home advantage (HA) and the home team performance in the most relevant European rink hockey leagues (Spanish, Portuguese and Italian), considering ... -
The Conceptions about Teamwork Questionnaire: design, reliability and validity with secondary students
(Educational Psychology, Vol. 31(7), pp. 857-871, 2011-08)In this study, we present the conceptions about teamwork questionnaire designed to evaluate the conceptions that secondary students have about teamwork. Participants were 309 students aged 15–16 from ... -
The couple’s tree of life: Promoting and protecting relational identity
(Family Process. 2021;00:1–14., 2021)We present The Couple’s Tree of Life (CTOL) as a new collective narrative methodology to strengthen couple relationships and prevent conflicts. The CTOL, based on the tree of life methodology (Ncube & ...