Now showing items 1-10 of 170
Exploring the Effects of Personal Information in Television News
(Hogrefe, 2020)
We report the results of an experiment in which participants (N = 41) watched a number of television news clips containing either
personal or professional stories about celebrities, while measures of ...
Governance, Ethics and Accountability in Universities Strategic Plans
(Universitat Ramon Llull, 2020)
Universities mission is not limited to creating and sharing knowledge with students, companies and the society in general. Univer-sities have the responsibility to work for common good improvement and ...
Cinematic blueprint on Social Media: A comparative analysis
(Universidad de Málaga, 2021)
This paper aims to analyze the activity of the three biggest movie studios in social media, 20h Century Fox, Warner Bros and Universal Studios, and how that is affecting in the numbers and importance ...
Ambivalencia emocional en The Last of Us. Las emociones en los videojuegos, entre la complejidad narrativa y la lealtad del jugador
(El Camarote de Père Jules i Associació Cinefòrum L’Atalante, 2021)
Se propone aquí pensar la complejidad a través del análisis narratológico de las emociones videolúdicas, que tendrán una dimensión doble, la primera más relacionada con los recursos del lenguaje audiovisual ...
Nuevas narrativas publicitarias televisivas: la interactividad y la métrica en el HbbTV
(Societat Catalana de Comunicació, 2020)
La progresiva penetración del estándar HbbTV (Hybrid broadcast broadband Television)
rompe los esquemas tradicionales de medida de audiencia televisiva, ya que, en
contenidos interactivos, el telespectador ...
Relationship between equality policies and moral legitimacy according to experts’perceptions
(Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna, 2020)
The gender equality topic is gaining momentum both in the organizational and in the institutional management field. In order to close the gender gap that is common in the business ...
Postnormal Trust: The Case of the Media
(Taylor & Francis, 2024-05-16)
This article is the first installment of a two-part paper aimed at assessing whether the theory of postnormal times provides an appropriate framework for examining the evolution of public trust in the ...
China in Africa: Assessing the Consequences for the Continent’s Agenda for Economic Regionalism
(Cogitatio, 2022)
Africa has become a major arena in the so-called “multiplex world.” The growing presence of China and other emerging countries on the continent in the last two decades has turned Africa into an area in ...
Achieving Legitimacy Through Gender Equality Policies
(SAGE, 2023)
The academic literature has shown some positive effects of gender equality policies’ development on the companies’ performance. However, often companies are not promoting this type of policies. This ...
Prejudice and Cuts to Public Health and Education: A Migration Crisis or a Crisis of the European Welfare State and Its Socio-Political Values?
(MDPI, 2022)
The past few years have witnessed the development of prejudiced attitudes in some places
in Europe. Biases alike are often considered a consequence of increased migratory movements to
the continent and ...