Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Development of the Spanish Healthy Food Reference Budget for an adequate social participation at the minimum
(Cambridge University Press, 2016)
Objective: It has been observed that diet quality and food choices vary depending on socio-economic status (SES), especially when measured through income and educational level. Although the reasons ...
Measuring social capital: further insightsMeasuring social capital: further insights
(Sociedad Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria, 2017-02)
Social capital is defined as the resources available to individuals and groups through membership in social networks. However, multiple definitions, distinct dimensions and subtypes of social capital ...
Aproximació a la situació actual de l’obesitat infantil i la seva prevenció des d’una perspectiva sociosanitària: estat de l’art i recomanacions
(Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat d’Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés, 2012)
L’obesitat infantil constitueix un repte de salut pública, en augment als països desenvolupats i en vies de desenvolupament. A Espanya un de cada quatre menors pateix sobrepès, cosa que predisposa a ...
Condicionantes del éxito y fracaso escolar en contextos de bajo nivel socioeconómico
(Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (Chile), 2018)
El hecho de finalizar la escuela o abandonarla es un hito fundamental en la vida
académica, personal y profesional de una persona. El nivel socioeconómico de pertenencia ha sido señalado como principal ...
Desarrollo y validación del cuestionario sobre condicionantes de éxito escolar en alumnos de secundaria
(Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, 2018)
El fracaso escolar supone un
gran desafío tanto a nivel individual como a ni‑
vel social, por su impacto negativo en la cohe‑
sión social, la participación ciudadana, el desa‑
rrollo económico, la ...
Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure family social capital
(Elsevier, 2019-07)
The development and psychometric validation of instruments to measure social capital remains a priority in the field. The aim of the current study was to develop a Questionnaire on Family Social Capital ...
Family-based intervention to prevent childhood obesity among school-age children of low socioeconomic status: study protocol of the FIVALIN projectFamily-based intervention to prevent childhood obesity among school-age children of low socioeconomic status: study protocol of the FIVALIN project
(BioMed Central, 2021-05)
Background: Childhood obesity represents a global public health crisis: the number of obese children and
adolescents (aged 5–19 years) worldwide has risen tenfold in the past four decades. The vast ...
Repensar la pobresa a Barcelona amb el nou indicador europeu reference budgets
(Ajuntament de Barcelona. Observatori Social Barcelona, 2019-03)
En aquest article presentem pressupostos de referència reference budgets, els quals són cistelles de béns i serveis que il·lustren el mínim de recursos necessaris perquè les persones assoleixin un nivell ...
The Association between social capital indicators and psychological distress in Catalan adolescents
(Frontiers, 2022-08)
According to the WHO, globally, one in seven adolescents experiences a mental disorder, being in a detrimental situation toward educational
achievement, social cohesion, future health and life chances. ...
Family social capital and health – a systematic review and redirection
(John Wiley & Sons,, 2016)
The level (or scale) at which social capital can be conceptualised and measured ranges potentially from the macro-level (regional or country level), to the mesolevel (neighbourhoods, workplaces, schools), ...