Now showing items 31-40 of 125
Les fruites i verdures, aliments essencials per a la nostra salut
(Institut de Ciències de l'Educació. Universitat de Barcelona, 2021)
L’increment del consum de fruites i hortalisses ofereix múltiples beneficis per a la salut. L’evidència publicada indica que una major ingesta de fruites i hortalisses (FiH) s’associa a un menor risc ...
Perspectiva de los estudiantes de enfermería sobre la transformación de la atención primaria durante la pandemia de la enfermedad coronavirus-19: estudio cualitativo mediante fotoelicitación
(Elsevier, 2021-03)
La atención primaria ha sufrido cambios derivados de la COVID-19. Las prácticas
de los estudiantes de enfermería son un espacio para profundizar en los aspectos clave de la
práctica diaria, así como ...
Food biodiversity and total and cause-specific mortality in 9 European countries: an analysis of a prospective cohort study
(Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2021-10-18)
Food biodiversity, encompassing the variety of plants, animals, and other organisms consumed as food and drink, has intrinsic potential to underpin diverse, nutritious diets and improve Earth ...
Analysis of gender perspective in the use of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses: a systematic review
(John Wiley & Sons, 2022-11)
To identify, describe and analyse the gender perspective in the use of the diagnoses contained in the NANDA-I taxonomy in observational studies published in the scientific literature.
Design and ...
Transfers of care between healthcare professionals in obstetric units of different sizes across Spain and in a hospital in Ireland: the MidconBirth Study
(MDPI, 2020-11-13)
In Europe, the majority of healthy women give birth at conventional obstetric units with the assistance of registered midwives. This study examines the relationships between the intrapartum transfer of ...
European Respiratory Society statement on airway clearance techniques in adults with bronchiectasis
(European Respiratory Society, 2023-07)
Airway clearance techniques (ACTs) are part of the main management strategy for patients with bronchiectasis. Despite being a priority for patients, accessibility, implementation and reporting of ACTs ...
Determinants of blood acylcarnitine concentrations in healthy individuals of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
(Elsevier, 2022-08)
Background & aims
Circulating levels of acylcarnitines (ACs) have been associated with the risk of various diseases such as cancer and type 2 diabetes. Diet and lifestyle factors have been shown to ...
Implementing the QUALI-DEC project in Argentina, Burkina Faso, Thailandand Viet Nam: a process delineation and theory-driven process evaluation protocol
(Taylor and Francis, 2023-12)
The project ‘Quality Decision-making by women and providers’ (QUALI-DEC) combines four non-clinical interventions to promote informed decision-making surrounding mode of birth, improve women’s birth ...
Food and nutrition insecurity in Europe: challenges and opportunities for dietitians
(Elsevier, 2023-08)
In recent years, the interest in food and nutrition insecurity in high-income countries has skyrocketed. However, its recognition in Europe is still developing. This perspective summarizes the evidence ...
Service learning in the nursing bachelor thesis: a mixed-methods study
(MDPI, 2022-09)
The Final Degree Project (FDP) is a module that, although intended for the completion of a bachelor thesis (BT), consists of theoretical and clinical teaching. Therefore, introducing service learning ...