Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Asimetrías neuromusculares entre miembros inferiores en jugadores de hockey sobre patines
(Ramón Cantó Alcaraz, 2018-10)
El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar y cuantificar las asimetrías neuromusculares entre las extremidades inferiores que presentan los jugadores de hockey sobre patines. Un objetivo secundario fue ...
Muscle activity of Bulgarian squat: effects of additional vibration, suspension and unstable surface
(Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2019-08)
Practitioners of strength and conditioning are increasingly using vibration and unstable environments to enhance training effects. However, little evidence has been found comparing the use of suspension ...
Analysis of the centre of pressure in bipedal stance among individuals with and without intellectual disabilities, individuals with Down syndrome and dancers with Down syndrome
(John Wiley & Sons i MENCAP, 2024-02)
Individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) often present deficiencies in motor, balance and postural control. On the other hand, the practice of physical activity and dance usually ...