Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Implementation and evaluation of nonclinical interventions for appropriate use of cesarean section in low- and middleincome countries: protocol for a multisite hybrid effectiveness-implementation type III trialImplementation and evaluation of nonclinical interventions for appropriate use of cesarean section in low- and middleincome countries: protocol for a multisite hybrid effectiveness-implementation type III trial
(BioMed Central, 2020-09)
While cesarean sections (CSs) are a life-saving intervention, an increasing number are performed without medical reasons in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Unnecessary CS diverts ...
Implementing the QUALI-DEC project in Argentina, Burkina Faso, Thailandand Viet Nam: a process delineation and theory-driven process evaluation protocol
(Taylor and Francis, 2023-12)
The project ‘Quality Decision-making by women and providers’ (QUALI-DEC) combines four non-clinical interventions to promote informed decision-making surrounding mode of birth, improve women’s birth ...