Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Las influencias interpersonales en mujeres con incontinencia urinaria
(Ediciones Mayo, 2016-01)
Objetivo: Describir las influencias interpersonales que presentan las mujeres con incontinencia urinaria (IU).
Metodología: La perspectiva teórico-metodológica utilizada ha sido la cualitativa fenomenológica, ...
Development and psychometric validation of a scoring questionnaire to assess healthy lifestyles among adolescents in Catalonia
(BioMed Central, 2016-01)
Lifestyle is intimately related to health. A questionnaire that specifically scores the healthiness of lifestyle of Catalan adolescents is needed. The objective of this study was to develop and validate ...
Relationship between healthy lifestyle and sociodemographic factors in adolescents in Catalonia: application of VISA-TEEN Questionnaire
(Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2016-09)
There is a clear relationship between the way of life and the health of individuals, and therefore,
we can speak of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. There are different surveys and
questionnaires ...
Chest physiotherapy for acute bronchiolitis in paediatric patients between 0 and 24 months old (Review)
(John Wiley & Sons, 2016)
This Cochrane review was first published in 2005 and updated in 2007, 2012 and now 2015. Acute bronchiolitis is the leading cause of medical emergencies during winter in children younger than ...
Family social capital and health – a systematic review and redirection
(John Wiley & Sons,, 2016)
The level (or scale) at which social capital can be conceptualised and measured ranges potentially from the macro-level (regional or country level), to the mesolevel (neighbourhoods, workplaces, schools), ...
Development of the Spanish Healthy Food Reference Budget for an adequate social participation at the minimum
(Cambridge University Press, 2016)
Objective: It has been observed that diet quality and food choices vary depending on socio-economic status (SES), especially when measured through income and educational level. Although the reasons ...
Competencias culinarias y consumo de alimentos procesados o preparados en estudiantes universitarios de Barcelona
(Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social, 2016-09)
Fundamentos: Las competencias culinarias pueden tener relevancia en la salud. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer el estado de las competencias culinarias y el consumo de alimentos procesados o preparados ...
Physical activity characteristics across GOLD Quadrants Depend on the Questionnaire used
(Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2016-03)
The GOLD multidimensional classification of COPD severity combines the exacerbation risk with the symptom experience, for which 3 different questionnaires are permitted. This study investigated differences ...
Differences in peak cough flow values assessed by mouthpiece and facemask on healthy subjects
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2016-04)
Background: Coughing is the most important mechanism for evacuating mucus secretions from the airways. Its efficacy directly depends on the Peak Cough Flow (PCF), the maximum air-flow generated during ...