Now showing items 1-10 of 28
Analysis of gender perspective in the use of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses: a systematic review
(John Wiley & Sons, 2022-11)
To identify, describe and analyse the gender perspective in the use of the diagnoses contained in the NANDA-I taxonomy in observational studies published in the scientific literature.
Design and ...
The Association between social capital indicators and psychological distress in Catalan adolescents
(Frontiers, 2022-08)
According to the WHO, globally, one in seven adolescents experiences a mental disorder, being in a detrimental situation toward educational
achievement, social cohesion, future health and life chances. ...
The Measurement of food insecurity in high-income countries: a scoping review
(MDPI, 2021-09-17)
The measurement of food insecurity is essential to monitor the prevalence, risk factors, consequences and effects of food insecurity and the interventions and policies implemented to tackle it. Yet, how ...
Professional competences to promote healthy ageing across the lifespan: a scoping review
(Springer Nature, 2023-11)
As societies age, the development of resources and strategies that foster healthy ageing from the beginning of life become
increasingly important. Social and healthcare professionals are key agents in ...
Optimizing sustainable, affordable and healthy diets and estimating the impact of plant-based substitutes to milk and meat: A case study in Spain
(Elsevier, 2023-09)
The global food system is failing to appropriately nourish the population and has been identified as a driving force for environmental degradation. Changing current diets to healthier and more sustainable ...
Desarrollo y validación del cuestionario sobre condicionantes de éxito escolar en alumnos de secundaria
(Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, 2018)
El fracaso escolar supone un
gran desafío tanto a nivel individual como a ni‑
vel social, por su impacto negativo en la cohe‑
sión social, la participación ciudadana, el desa‑
rrollo económico, la ...
European dietitians as key agents of the green transition: An exploratory study of their knowledge, attitudes, practices, and training
(Frontiers, 2023-03)
Introduction: How food systems are currently provisioning food to the population is a matter of debate worldwide. Food systems, driven by widespread and increasing adherence to a westernized dietary ...
Interventions on food security and water uses for improving nutritional status of pregnant women and children younger than five years in low-middle income countries: a systematic review
(MDPI, 2021-05-02)
Malnutrition is a global health issue concerning children and pregnant women in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The aim of this review was to assess the health-impact outcomes of interventions ...
Aproximació a la situació actual de l’obesitat infantil i la seva prevenció des d’una perspectiva sociosanitària: estat de l’art i recomanacions
(Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat d’Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés, 2012)
L’obesitat infantil constitueix un repte de salut pública, en augment als països desenvolupats i en vies de desenvolupament. A Espanya un de cada quatre menors pateix sobrepès, cosa que predisposa a ...
Repensar la pobresa a Barcelona amb el nou indicador europeu reference budgets
(Ajuntament de Barcelona. Observatori Social Barcelona, 2019-03)
En aquest article presentem pressupostos de referència reference budgets, els quals són cistelles de béns i serveis que il·lustren el mínim de recursos necessaris perquè les persones assoleixin un nivell ...