Now showing items 113-132 of 232

    • Gait event detection using kinematic data in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy 

      Gómez-Pérez, Cristina; Martori, Joan Carles; Puig-Diví, Albert; Medina Casanovas, Josep; Vidal Samsó, Joan; Font Llagunes, Josep Maria (Clinical Biomechanics, 2021, vol. 90, 105492, 2021-09-25)
      Background Ground reaction forces are the gold standard for detecting gait events, but they are not always applicable in cerebral palsy. Ghoussayni's algorithm is an event detection method based on the ...
    • La Guía de seguimiento del Prácticum en enfermería, una estrategia de calidad 

      Canet Vélez, Olga; González Gálvez, Pilar (Opción, 2015, vol. 31, núm. especial 3, p. 341-361, 2015-10)
      La formación práctica de los estudiantes supone una iniciación a la vida profesional. Poseer una guía de calidad en el seguimiento favorece el aprendizaje. Este artículo plantea una guía actualizada y ...
    • High-density lipoprotein characteristics and coronary artery disease: a Mendelian randomization study 

      Prats Uribe, Albert; Sayols Baixeras, Sergi; Fernández Sanlés, Alba; Subirana, Isaac; Carreras-Torres, Robert; Vilahur, Gemma; Civeira, Fernando; Marrugat, Jaume; Fitó Colomer, Montserrat; Hernáez, Álvaro; Elosua Llanos, Roberto (Metabolism Clinical and Experimental, 2020, 112: 154351, 2020-09)
      Background To assess whether genetically determined quantitative and qualitative HDL characteristics were independently associated with coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods We designed a two-sample ...
    • Hip range of motion and strength in young pre-professionals ballet dancers versus non-dancers 

      Eleftheraki, Anna; Oviedo, Guillermo R.; Massó i Ortigosa, Núria (Journal of dance medicine and science, 2024, Sep 14:1089313X241281642, 2024-09)
      Introduction: Lower-extremity external rotation, commonly known as turnout, is a fundamental skill in dance. Limited data exist regarding joint range of motion and strength in pre-professional young ...
    • How have quality newspapers covered the microbiome? A content analysis of The New York Times, The Times, and El País 

      Prados-Bo, Andreu; Casino, Gonzalo (Journalism, 2023, 24(8): 1615-1859, 2023-08)
      The microbiome has captured the attention of researchers and newspapers. We studied how the subject is covered in The New York Times, The Times, and El País via DowJones Factiva (2007–2019), analyzing ...
    • Hydration habits before, during and after training and competition days among amateur basketball players 

      Bibiloni, Maria del Mar; Vidal García, Eulàlia; Carrasco Marginet, Marta; Julibert, Alicia; Pons, Antoni; Tur, Josep A. (Nutrición hospitalaria, 2018, vol. 35, núm. 3, p. 612-619, 2018-05)
      Background: fluid intake before, during and after exercise is the most important way to replace water lost during exercise and avoid dehydration.Aim: to assess fluid intake habits before, during and ...
    • Immunity and community in Esposito, Derrida and Agamben 

      Rosàs, Mar (Revista de filosofía, 2023, 48(1): 93-112, 2023-01)
      Roberto Esposito (1998; 2002; 2008) examines how current immunological apparatuses originally designed to protect communities end up undermining the very body they sought to protect. By “immunological ...
    • Impact of a workplace "sit less, move more" program on efficiency-related outcomes of office employees 

      Puig-Ribera, Anna; Bort Roig, Judit; Giné-Garriga, Maria; González Suárez, Ángel Manuel; Martinez Lemos, Rodolfo Iván; Fortuño Godes, Jesús; Martori, Joan Carles; Muñoz Ortiz, Laura; Milà, Raimon; Gilson, Nicholas D.; McKenna, Jim (BMC Public Health, 2017, vol. 17, núm. 89, p. 455, 2017-05)
      Few studies have examined the impact of ‘sit less, move more’ interventions on workplace performance. This study assessed the short and mid-term impacts of and patterns of change within, a 19-week ...
    • Impact of health and social factors on the cardiometabolic risk in people with food insecurity: a systematic review 

      Salinas-Roca, Blanca; Rubió-Piqué, Laura; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Franco-Alcaine, Gemma (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(21): 14447, 2022-11)
      Food plays a key role in people’s health and quality of life. Inadequate eating habits or a deficient diet can lead to the development of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The present review aims to ...
    • Impaired glucose tolerance and cardiovascular risk factors in relation to infertility: a Mendelian randomization analysis in the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study 

      Hernáez, Álvaro; Lee, Yunsung; Page, Christian Magnus; Skåra, Karoline Hansen; Håberg, Siri Eldevik; Magnus, Per; Njølstad, Pål R.; Andreassen, Ole A.; Corfield, Elizabeth C.; Havdahl, Alexandra; Fraser, Abigail; Burgess, Stephen; Lawlor, Deborah A.; Magnus, Maria Christine (Human Reproduction, 2024, 39(2), 436-441, 2023-11)
      STUDY QUESTION Are impaired glucose tolerance (as measured by fasting glucose, glycated hemoglobin, and fasting insulin) and cardiovascular disease risk (as measured by low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, ...
    • Implementation and evaluation of nonclinical interventions for appropriate use of cesarean section in low- and middleincome countries: protocol for a multisite hybrid effectiveness-implementation type III trial 

      Dumont, Alexandre; Betrán, Ana Pilar; Kaboré, Charles; de Loenzien, Myriam; Lumbiganon, Pisake; Bohren, Meghan A.; Nhu Hung Mac, Quoc; Opiyo, Newton; Carroli, Guillermo; Annerstedt, Kristi; Ridde, Valery; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Robson, Michael; Hanson, Claudia; QUALI-DEC Research Group (Implementation Science, 2020, 15:72, 2020-09)
      Background While cesarean sections (CSs) are a life-saving intervention, an increasing number are performed without medical reasons in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Unnecessary CS diverts ...
    • Implementing the QUALI-DEC project in Argentina, Burkina Faso, Thailandand Viet Nam: a process delineation and theory-driven process evaluation protocol 

      Cleeve, Amanda; Annerstedt, Kristi; Betrán, Ana Pilar; Alvesson, Helle; Wendyam, Charles Kaboré; Carroli, Guillermo; Lumbiganon, Pisake; Nhu Hung Mac, Quoc; Zamboni, Karen; Opiyo, Newton; Bohren, Meghan A.; El Halabi, Soha; Gialdini, Celina; Vila Ortiz, Mercedes; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Robson, Michael; Dumont, Alexandre; Hanson, Claudia (Global Health Action, 2023, 16(1): 2290636, 2023-12)
      The project ‘Quality Decision-making by women and providers’ (QUALI-DEC) combines four non-clinical interventions to promote informed decision-making surrounding mode of birth, improve women’s birth ...
    • Incidence of perinatal post-traumatic stress disorder in Catalonia: an observational study of protective and risk factors 

      Canet Vélez, Olga; Escalé Besa, Meritxell; Sanromà Ortiz, Montserrat; Espada-Trespalacios, Xavier; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Prats-Viedma, Blanca; Cobo, Jesús; Ollé-Gonzalez, Júlia; Vela, Emili; Casañas, Rocio (Healthcare, 2024, 12, 826, 2024-04)
      Abstract: Pregnancy and childbirth have a great impact on women’s lives; traumatic perinatal experiences can adversely affect mental health. The present study analyzes the incidence of perinatal pos ...
    • Increased consumption of virgin olive oil, nuts, legumes, whole grains, and fish promotes HDL functions in humans 

      Hernáez, Álvaro; Sanllorente Melenchon, Albert; Castañer, Olga; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel, 1957-; Ros Rahola, Emilio; Pintó Sala, Xavier; Estruch Riba, Ramon; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Alonso Gómez, Ángel M.; Serra Majem, Lluís; Fiol, Miquel; Lapetra, José; Gómez-Gracia, Enrique; de la Torre, Rafael; Lamuela Raventós, Rosa Ma.; Fitó Colomer, Montserrat (Molecular nutrition and food research, 2019, 63(6): 1800847, 2019-01)
      Scope To evaluate whether increases in the consumption of cardioprotective food groups (virgin olive oil, nuts, fruits/vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish, and wine) are associated with improvements ...
    • Inflammatory potential of diet and pancreatic cancer risk in the EPIC study 

      Cayssials, Valerie; Buckland, Genevieve; Crous-Bou, Marta; Bonet, Catalina; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Skie, Guri; Aune, Dagfnn; Heath, Alicia K.; Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Masala, Giovanna; Agnoli, Claudia; Santucci de Magistris, Maria; Bueno de Mesquita, H. Bas; Derksen, Jeroen; Huybrechts, Inge; Ferrari, Pietro; Franklin, Oscar; Bodén, Stina; Schulze, Matthias B.; Huerta, José María; Barricarte, Aurelio; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Amiano, Pilar; Tumino, Rosario; Molina-Montes, Esther; Tjønneland, Anne; Kyrø, Cecilie; Severi, Gianluca; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Rebours, Vinciane; Katzke, Verena Andrea; Agudo, Antonio; Jakszyn, Paula (European Journal of Nutrition, 2022, 61: 2313-2320, 2022-01)
      Purpose There is existing evidence on the potential role of chronic infammation in the pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer (PC) and on how risk may be modulated by dietary factors. Pro-infammatory diets ...
    • Inflammatory potential of the diet and risk of breast cancer in the European Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study 

      Castro Espin, Carlota; Agudo, Antonio; Bonet, Catalina; Katzke, Verena Andrea; Turzanski‑Fortner, Renée; Aleksandrova, Krasimira; Schulze, Matthias B.; Tjønneland, Anne; Dahm, Christina C.; Quirós, José Ramón; Sánchez, María-José; Amiano, Pilar; Chirlaque, Maria-Dolores; Ardanaz, Eva; Masala, Giovanna; Sieri, Sabina; Tumino, Rosario; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Panico, Salvatore; May, Anne-Marie; Bodén, Stina; Gram, Inger Torhild; Skeie, Guri; Laouali, Nasser; Shah, Sanam; Severi, Gianluca; Aune, Dagfnn; Merritt, Melissa; Cairat, Manon; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Riboli, Elio; Dossus, Laure; Jakszyn, Paula (European Journal of Epidemiology, 2021, 36: 953-964, 2021-06)
      The role of chronic infammation on breast cancer (BC) risk remains unclear beyond as an underlying mechanism of obesity and physical activity. We aimed to evaluate the association between the infammatory ...
    • Inflammatory potential of the diet and risk of colorectal cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study 

      Jakszyn, Paula; Cayssials, Valerie; Buckland, Genevieve; Perez-Cornago, Aurora; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Boeing, Heiner; Bergmann, Manuela M.; Vulcan, Alexandra; Ohlsson, Bodil; Masala, Giovanna; Cross, Amanda J.; Riboli, Elio; Ricceri, Fulvio; Dahm, Christina C.; Nyvang, Dorthe; Katzke, Verena Andrea; Kühn, Tilman; Kyrø, Cecilie; Tjønneland, Anne; Ward, Heather A.; Tsilidis, Konstantinos K.; Skeie, Guri; Sieri, Sabina; Sánchez, María-José; Huerta, José María; Amiano, Pilar; Lasheras-Mayo, Maria Cristina; Ardanaz, Eva; Mahamat-Saleh, Yahya; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Carbonnel, Franck; Panico, Salvatore; Peppa, Eleni; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Karakatsani, Anna; Tumino, Rosario; Vermeulen, Roel; Jenab, Mazda; Gunter, Marc J.; Agudo, Antonio (International Journal of Cancer, 2020, 147(4): 1027-1039, 2020-08)
      Proinflammatory diets are associated with risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC), however, inconsistencies exist in subsite- and sex-specific associations. The relationship between CRC and combined ...
    • Inflammatory potential of the diet and risk of gastric cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study 

      Agudo, Antonio; Cayssials, Valerie; Bonet, Catalina; Tjønneland, Anne; Overvad, Kim; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Affret, Aurélie; Fagherazzi, Guy; Katzke, Verena Andrea; Schübel, Ruth; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Karakatsani, Anna; La Vecchia, Carlo; Palli, Domenico; Grioni, Sara; Tumino, Rosario; Ricceri, Fulvio; Panico, Salvatore; Bueno de Mesquita, H. Bas; Peeters, Petra H.; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Skeie, Guri; Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Lasheras-Mayo, Maria Cristina; Rodríguez-Barranco, Miguel; Amiano, Pilar; Chirlaque, Maria-Dolores; Ardanaz, Eva; Ohlsson, Bodil; Dias, Joana A.; Nilsson, Lena M.; Myte, Robin; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Perez-Cornago, Aurora; Gunter, Marc; Huybrechts, Inge; Cross, Amanda J.; Tsilidis, Kostas; Riboli, Elio; Jakszyn, Paula (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018, 107(4):607-616, 2018-04)
      Background Chronic inflammation plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of the 2 major types of gastric cancer. Several foods, nutrients, and nonnutrient food components seem to be involved in the ...
    • Influence of social determinants, lifestyle, emotional well-being and the use of unconventional therapies in breast cancer progression in a cohort of women in Barcelona: protocol for the DAMA cohort 

      Puigpinós i Riera, Rosa; Continente Garcia, Xavier, 1980-; Serral Cano, Gemma, 1973-; Bargalló Castelló, Xavier; Doménech, Montserrat; Espinosa-Bravo, Martín; Grau, Jaume; Macià, Francesc; Manzanera i López, Rafael; Pla i Consuegra, Margarida; Quintana Ruiz, M. Jesús; Sala i Serra, Maria; Vidal García, Eulàlia (JMIR Research Protocols, 2017, vol. 6, núm. 12, 2017-12)
      Background: Breast cancer continues to be the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. Breast cancer survivors face numerous problems, especially after completing the first year of intense treatment. ...
    • Influencia de la formación en competencia cultural sobre la actitud frente a la inmigración de los estudiantes de tercero de enfermería 

      Rifà Ros, Rosa; Costa-Tutusaus, Lluís; Espinosa Fresnedo, Maria del Carmen (FEM: Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica, 2013, 16(2): 105-110, 2013-06)
      Introducción. La formación de las futuras enfermeras plantea la necesidad de preparar profesionales competentes para poder afrontar las incertidumbres y la complejidad que genera la diversidad cultural, ...