Browsing by Author "Sánchez-Ruiz, Emília"
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Efficacy of transcutaneous perineal electrostimulation versus intracavitary anal electrostimulation in the treatment of urinary incontinence after a radical prostatectomy: randomized controlled trial study protocol
Pané‑Alemany, R.; Ramírez García, Inés; Carralero‑Martínez, A.; Blanco Ratto, Laia; Kauffmann, Stéphanie; Sánchez-Ruiz, Emília (BMC Urology, 2021, vol. 21, núm. article 12, 2021-01-28)Background Radical prostatectomy is the gold standard treatment for men with localized prostate cancer. This technique is associated with post-operative urinary incontinence. Pelvic floor physiotherapy ...