Browsing by Author "Bucholtz, Ehren"
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IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI)-related education and training materials through InChI Open Education Resource (OER)
Cornell, Andrew P.; Sunghwan, Kim; Cuadros, Jordi; Bucholtz, Ehren; Pence, Harry E.; Potenzone, Rudy; Belford, Robert (Chemistry Teacher International. 2024:6(1):77-91, 2024-01-03)The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) is a structure-based chemical identifier that encodes various aspects of a chemical structure into a hierarchically layered line notation. Because ... -
Teaching Cheminformatics through a Collaborative Intercollegiate Online Chemistry Course (OLCC)
Kim, Sunghwan; Bucholtz, Ehren; Briney, Kristin; Cornell, Andrew; Cuadros, Jordi; Fulfer, Kristen; Gupta, Tanya; Hepler-Smith, Evan; Johnston, Dean; Lang, Andrew; Larsen, Delmar; Li, Ye; McEwen, Leah; Morsch, Layne; Muzyka, Jennifer; Belford, Robert (Journal of Chemical Education, 2020-12-21)While cheminformatics skills necessary for dealing with an ever-increasing amount of chemical information are considered important for students pursuing STEM careers in the age of big data, many schools ...