Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    • A Structural Equation Model of the relationship between physical activity and quality of life 

      Carbó-Carreté, Maria; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948-; Schalock, Robert L. (International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (2016) 16, 147---156, 2015-12)
      Background/Objective: Literature shows that practicing physical activity improves the general health and quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. However, there is little empirical ...
    • A Structural Equation Model of the relationship between physical activity and quality of life 

      Carbó-Carreté, Maria; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948-; Schalock, Robert L. (International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (2016) 16, 147---156, 2015-12)
      Background/Objective: Literature shows that practicing physical activity improves the general health and quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. However, there is little empirical ...
    • Assessing self-determination in youth with and without disabilities: The Spanish version of the AIR self-determination scale 

      Mumbardó, Cristina; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948- (Psicothema, 2018, Vol. 30, Núm. 2, 2018)
      Background: Acting in a self-determined manner, that is, using problem-solving or decision-making strategies, strongly depends on the opportunities the person is given to do so by the context. In fact, ...
    • Cardiorespiratory Coordination During Exercise in Adults With Down Syndrome 

      Oviedo, Guillermo R.; Garcia Retortillo, Sergi; Carbó-Carreté, Maria; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Balagué, Natàlia; Javierre, Casimiro; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan (Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, Vol. 12, article 704062, 2021)
      Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal disorder affecting simultaneously cardiovascular and respiratory systems. There is no research studying the coupling between these systems during ...
    • Contextual Predictors of Self-Determined Actions in Students with and without Intellectual Disability 

      Mumbardó, Cristina; Shogren, Karrie A.; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948- (Psychology in the Schools, 2017, Vol. 54, Núm. 2, 2017-05-15)
      Evidence in the field of intellectual disability supports the positive transition outcomes that the promotion of self-determination triggers for youth with disabilities. This article examines the ...
    • Evaluación del Programa CaixaProinfancia de refuerzo educativo y acompañamiento escolar 

      Longás Mayayo, Jordi; Cañete-Massé, C.; Cussó Parcerisas, Irene; Querol Duran, Roser de; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan (Pedagogía social. Revista interuniversitaria, Núm. 38 (2021), 2021-05)
      Las elevadas tasas de fracaso escolar del alumnado en situación de pobreza han motivado la emergencia de programas de educación compensatoria para apoyar el éxito escolar en los entornos más vulnerables, ...
    • Hemodynamic and cardiorespiratory responses to submaximal and maximal exercise in adults with Down syndrome 

      Oviedo, Guillermo R.; Carbó-Carreté, Maria; Guerra-Balic, Myriam; Tamulevicius, Nauris; Esquius, Laura; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Javierre, Casimiro (Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, Vol. 13, 2022-08)
      Introduction: The genetic disorder causing Down syndrome (DS) affects the cardiorespiratory and hemodynamic parameters. When exercising, sufficient blood flow is necessary for active muscles. Cardiac ...
    • Impact of supports and partnership on family quality of life 

      Balcells-Balcells, Anna; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948-; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Summers, Jean Ann; Mas Mestre, Joana M. (Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2019, Núm. 85, 2019)
      Background In recent decades, Family Quality of Life (FQOL) has emerged as a decisive construct, both to improve the living conditions of the families of people with disabilities and to assess the results ...
    • Proposal of indexes to evaluate Family Quality of Life, Partnership, and Family support needs 

      Balcells, Anna; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948-; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Summers, Jean Ann (Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud. 2016. Vol. 7. Núm. 1, 2016)
      In recent years, research on the families of persons with Intellectual Disability (ID) has focused on the factors that contribute to the improvement of their Family Quality of Life (FQoL), such as the ...
    • Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Personal Outcomes Scale 

      Carbó-Carreté, Maria; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948- (International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (2015) 15, 236---252, 2015-06)
      Personal outcomes-related quality of life provides information about the impact of individualized supports and services that are provided to people with intellectual disability. The Personal Outcomes ...
    • Self-Determination, Intellectual Disability, and Context: A Meta-Analytic Study 

      Mumbardó, Cristina; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Adam-Alcocer, Ana Luisa; Carbó-Carreté, Maria; Balcells, Anna; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948-; Shogren, Karrie A. (Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 2017, Vol. 55, Núm. 5, 2017-11-15)
      The relation between self-determination and intellectual functioning is complex, as other contextual factors may also play significant roles in explaining variability in selfdetermination. This study ...
    • Strengthening education through collaborative networks: leading the cultural change 

      Díaz-Gibson, Jordi; Civís, Mireia; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan (School Leadership & Management. Vol. 34, Núm. 2 (2014), 2013-12)
      Educational partnerships with area-based approaches comprise an increasingly well-grounded and internationally extended strategy for equitable improvement. However, literature shows a lack of focused ...