Browsing by Author "Mumbardó, Cristina"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Assessing self-determination in youth with and without disabilities: The Spanish version of the AIR self-determination scale
Mumbardó, Cristina; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948- (Psicothema, 2018, Vol. 30, Núm. 2, 2018)Background: Acting in a self-determined manner, that is, using problem-solving or decision-making strategies, strongly depends on the opportunities the person is given to do so by the context. In fact, ... -
Contextual Predictors of Self-Determined Actions in Students with and without Intellectual Disability
Mumbardó, Cristina; Shogren, Karrie A.; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948- (Psychology in the Schools, 2017, Vol. 54, Núm. 2, 2017-05-15)Evidence in the field of intellectual disability supports the positive transition outcomes that the promotion of self-determination triggers for youth with disabilities. This article examines the ... -
Moving towards preservice teachers’ implementation of universal design for learning: the central role of self-efficacy
Sala Bars, Ingrid; Mumbardó, Cristina; Adam-Alcocer, Ana Luisa (Teachers and Teaching, 2024, 1–19, 2024-02)As Universal Design for Learning (UDL) has emerged as a reference model to facilitate inclusive education, recent policies have stated the need to strengthen its use in schools and to train preservice ... -
Self-Determination, Intellectual Disability, and Context: A Meta-Analytic Study
Mumbardó, Cristina; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Adam-Alcocer, Ana Luisa; Carbó-Carreté, Maria; Balcells, Anna; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948-; Shogren, Karrie A. (Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 2017, Vol. 55, Núm. 5, 2017-11-15)The relation between self-determination and intellectual functioning is complex, as other contextual factors may also play significant roles in explaining variability in selfdetermination. This study ... -
Utilizando el video prompting para enseñar a ponerse la chaqueta a estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual
Simó-Pinatella, David; Mumbardó, Cristina (Escritos de psicologia, 2018, Vol. 11, Núm 2., 2018)Las estrategias basadas en el video (por ej., video prompting) se identifican como prácticas efectivas para la enseñanza de habilidades de la vida diaria En este estudio se ha evaluado la eficacia de ... -
¿Y después de la escuela qué? El Modelo de desarrollo de la autodeterminación para la carrera profesional
Andrés Gárriz, Clara; Dean, Evan E.; Mumbardó, Cristina; Farriols Hernando, Núria; Gómez Hinojosa, Antonia Maria; Pretel Luque, Teresa; Shogren, Karrie A. (Revista Española De Discapacidad, 11(2), 67-84, 2023-12)La situación laboral de las personas con discapacidad intelectual y/o del desarrollo en España resulta alarmante. A pesar de las numerosas ventajas de contratar a per-sonas con discapacidad intelectual ...