Browsing by Author "Cuadros, Jordi"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
15 años de laboratorios virtuales en química (I) ¿Qué son? ¿Para qué sirven?
Cuadros, Jordi (Alambique. Vol.76 (2014), p.55-62, 2014)Hace unos 15 años, entre 1997 y 2000, aparecieron un conjunto de entornos de simulación que representan un laboratorio de química. Se recogen en este artículo, el estado actual de siete de estas ... -
Activitats contextualitzades en el laboratori virtual
Cuadros, Jordi; Guitart, Fina; Artigas, Carme (Educació Química. N.14 (2013), p.48-55, 2013)En aquest article es presenten quatre activitats noves basades en la utilització del laboratori virtual de «The ChemCollective», destinades a l'ensenyament de la química a l'educació secundària, i se'n ... -
Analysis of an event study using the Fama–French five-factor model: teaching approaches including spreadsheets and the R programming language
Martínez Blasco, Mònica; Serrano Molinero, Vanessa; Prior Sanz, Francesc; Cuadros, Jordi (Financial Innovation, 2023-04-11)The current financial education framework has an increasing need to introduce tools that facilitate the application of theoretical models to real-world data and contexts. However, only a limited number ... -
Analysis of an event study using the Fama–French five-factor model: teaching approaches including spreadsheets and the R programming language
Martinez-Blasco, Monica; Serrano Molinero, Vanessa; Prior Sanz, Francesc; Cuadros, Jordi (Financial Innovation 2023, 9, 2023)The current financial education framework has an increasing need to introduce tools that facilitate the application of theoretical models to real-world data and contexts. However, only a limited number ... -
Analyzing a virtual-lab based contextualized activity from action logs
Cuadros, Jordi; Artigas, Carme; Guitart, Fina; Martori Adrian, Francesc de Paula (Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 182 (2015) 441-447, 2015-05-13)In this paper, we present and analyze a virtual-lab based activity oriented as an application of the stoichiometry concepts that appear in the first year of the Spanish Bachillerato (16-17 year old). ... -
Answering questions concisely: analysis of a Twitter activity in a management course
Olivé Tomàs, Antoni; Samper, Xavier; Cuadros, Jordi; Martori Adrian, Francesc de Paula; Serrano Molinero, Vanessa (Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences vol.182 (2015) p.179 – 186, 2015-05-13)This paper summarizes the results of an activity conducted on a management course using the Twitter microblogging service. Students were required to answer a question by sending a tweet and to favor ... -
Assessing the pharmaceutical residues as hotspots of the main rivers of Catalonia, Spain
Domínguez García, Pol; Fernández Ruano, Laura; Báguena Polo, Judith; Cuadros, Jordi; Gómez Canela, Cristian (Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2024;31:44080–44095, 2024-06-26)The global increase in pharmaceutical consumption, driven by factors such as aging populations and chronic diseases, has raised concerns regarding the environmental impact of pharmaceutical contaminants. ... -
Breu introducció a la digitalització de la informació química
Cuadros, Jordi; Estrada Tejedor, Roger (Educació Química. N.22 (2016), p.31-37, 2016)La informació química, que tradicionalment s'havia gestionat a través de llibres, paradigmàticament, a través del Chemical Abstracts Service i dels diversos handbooks, ha migrat progressivament a la ... -
Computer-assisted assessment in open-ended activities through the analysis of traces: a proof of concept in statistics with R commander
Cuadros, Jordi; Martori Adrian, Francesc de Paula; Serrano Molinero, Vanessa; Calvo, Miquel (Calvo Llorca); Carnicer González, Arturo; Miñarro Alonso, Antonio (EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education. Vol. 15, n.9 (2019), p. em1743, 2019-04-12)Open-ended tasks are common in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. However, as far as we know, no tools have been developed to assist in the assessment of the solution ... -
Design and Evaluation of a User Experience Questionnaire for Remote Labs
Cuadros, Jordi; Serrano Molinero, Vanessa; García Zubía, Javier; Hernandez-Jayo, Unai (IEEE Access, 2021-03-29)Remote laboratories have been in use for 25 years now. Whereas several learning oriented meta-analyses exist, validated and agreed-upon tools for assessing the user experience are not readily available. ... -
Environmental performance and firm performance in Europe: The moderating role of board governance
Dohrmann, Marcel; Martinez-Blasco, Monica; Moring, Andreas; Cuadros, Jordi (Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2024;31(6):5863–5880, 2024-07-01)This research presents novel insights into the relationship between environmental performance and firm performance, focusing on the moderating role of board governance. Unlike the single-dimensional ... -
Evaluation of the biodegradability of hazardous industrial solid waste: Study of key parameters
Auset, Maria; Margarit Roig, Lourdes; Cuadros, Jordi; Fernández Ruano, Laura; Claramunt, M.; Mundet, X. (Journal of Environmental Quality. 2024;53:1164–1175, 2024-09-18)The biological stability of solid waste is one of the main problems related to the environmental impact of landfills and their long-term emission potential. Current European legislation (European Landfill ... -
IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI)-related education and training materials through InChI Open Education Resource (OER)
Cornell, Andrew P.; Sunghwan, Kim; Cuadros, Jordi; Bucholtz, Ehren; Pence, Harry E.; Potenzone, Rudy; Belford, Robert (Chemistry Teacher International. 2024:6(1):77-91, 2024-01-03)The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) is a structure-based chemical identifier that encodes various aspects of a chemical structure into a hierarchically layered line notation. Because ... -
Learning Analytics Dashboards for Assessing Remote Labs Users' Work: A Case Study with VISIR-DB
Serrano Molinero, Vanessa; Cuadros, Jordi; Fernández Ruano, Laura; García Zubía, Javier; Hernández Jayo, Unai; Lluch, Francesc (Technology, Knowledge and Learning 2024, 2024)In science and engineering education, remote laboratories are designed to bring ubiquity to experimental scenarios, by having real laboratories operated through the Internet. Despite that remote ... -
Modelos no lineales de previsión para series temporales de interés farmacéutico. Aplicación al caso de la escarlatina.
Tomàs Morer, Xavier; González Sabaté, Lucinio; Cuadros, Jordi; Gracia-Aso, M. E. (Afinidad. Vol.65, n.533 (2008), p.20-25, 2008-01)En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras el ajuste de un modelo no lineal y un modelo robusto de predicción a la serie temporal correspondiente a la incidencia de la escarlatina en ... -
Una nova taula periòdica per a l'ensenyament secundari
Cuadros, Jordi (Educació Química. N.15 (2013), p.62, 2015) -
Omplim de simulacions la classe de química!
Cuadros, Jordi; Marimon, Núria (Educació Química. N.22 (2016), p.4-12, 2016)Les simulacions són una eina útil per a l'ensenyament de la ciència. L'ús de simulacions facilita la il·lustració dels conceptes científics i el desenvolupament d'activitats d'indagació en què l'alumne ... -
Portant el laboratori virtual a l’aula química: alguns coms i alguns perquès
Cuadros, Jordi (Educació Química. N.6 (2010), p.4-12, 2010)Encara que la utilització didàctica de les simulacions es proposa des de fa dècades, la realitat és que arriba poc a les aules. Sense entrar en els motius que ho generen, en aquest article es discuteixen ... -
Propuesta didáctica para fomentar la capacidad de interpretación de datos en el contexto de la estadística aplicada
Serrano Molinero, Vanessa; González Sabaté, Lucinio; Martori Adrian, Francesc de Paula; Cuadros, Jordi (Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació, núm.3 (2016), 2016)La importancia de la interpretación de datos en el contexto de la estadística aplicada a la empresa ha servido de motivación para proponer una actividad docente que permita fomentarla. Esta actividad ... -
Raising funds: entrepreneurs and investors negotiate an amount to invest and and ownership percentage
Olivé Tomàs, Antoni; Cuadros, Jordi; González Sabaté, Lucinio; Serrano Molinero, Vanessa; Jolonch, Xavier (International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol.6, no.5 (2015) p.97-112, 2015-05)This paper summarizes the results of an activity which consisted of two parts: 1) the calculation of the value of a new venture and the funds needed during its first years of operation (simulation) and ...