Now showing items 1-20 of 22

    • Acupoint transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in hospitalized COPD patients with severe dyspnoea: a randomized controlled trial 

      Fernández-Jané, Carles; Vilaró, Jordi; Costa-Tutusaus, Lluís (Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 2023, 28: 1-6, 2023-12)
      ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of acupuncture transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (acuTENS) on the reduction of dyspnoea during acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ...
    • Acupoint transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in hospitalized COPD patients with severe dyspnoea: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 

      Fernández-Jané, Carles; Vilaró, Jordi (Trials, 2019, vol. 20, número article 707, 2019-12)
      Background Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) is a major cause of hospital admissions and dyspnoea is its main symptom. Some studies have concluded that a new modality ...
    • Acupuncture techniques for COPD: a systematic review 

      Fernández-Jané, Carles; Vilaró, Jordi; Fei, Yutong; Wang, Congcong; Liu, Jianping; Huang, Na; Xia, Ruyu; Tian, Xia; Hu, Ruixue; Wen, Lingzi; Yu, Mingkun; Gómara i Toldrà, Natàlia; Solà-Madurell, Mireia; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè (BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 2020, vol. 20, núm. article 138, 2020-05)
      Background This is the second part of a large spectrum systematic review which aims to identify and assess the evidence for the efficacy of non-pharmacological acupuncture techniques in the treatment ...
    • Chest physiotherapy for acute bronchiolitis in paediatric patients between 0 and 24 months old (Review) 

      Roqué Fíguls, Marta; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Granados Rugeles, Claudia; Perrotta, Carla; Vilaró, Jordi (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD004873., 2016)
      Background This Cochrane review was first published in 2005 and updated in 2007, 2012 and now 2015. Acute bronchiolitis is the leading cause of medical emergencies during winter in children younger than ...
    • Chest physiotherapy for acute bronchiolitis in paediatric patients between 0 and 24 months old (Review) 

      Roqué Fíguls, Marta; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Granados Rugeles, Claudia; Perrotta, Carla; Vilaró, Jordi (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD004873., 2016)
      Background This Cochrane review was first published in 2005 and updated in 2007, 2012 and now 2015. Acute bronchiolitis is the leading cause of medical emergencies during winter in children younger than ...
    • Depressive symptoms, fatigue and social relationships influenced physical activity in frail older community-dwellers during the spanish lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic 

      Pérez, Laura Mónica; Castellano-Tejedor, Carmina; Cesari, Matteo; Soto-Bagaria, Luis; Ars Ricart, Joan; Zambom-Ferraresi, Fabricio; Baró, Sonia; Díaz-Gallego, Francisco; Vilaró, Jordi; Enfedaque, María B.; Espí-Valbé, Paula; Inzitari, Marco (International journal of environmental research and public health, 2021, 18, 808, 2021-01)
      Due to the dramatic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Spain underwent a strict lockdown (March–May 2020). How the lockdown modified older adults’ physical activity (PA) has been poorly described. This ...
    • Determinants of study completion and response to a 12-month behavioral physical activity intervention in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cohort study 

      Koreny, Maria; Demeyer, Heleen; Arbillaga Etxarri, Ane, 1986-; Gimeno Santos, Elena, 1980-; Barberan-Garcia, Anael; Benet Mora, Marta; Balcells Vilarnau, Eva, 1967-; Borrell, Eulàlia; Marin, Alicia; Rodríguez Chiaradía, Diego A.; Vall-Casas, Pere; Vilaró, Jordi; Rodríguez-Roisin, Robert; García Aymerich, Judith (PLoS ONE, 2019, 14(5): e0217157, 2019-05)
      Objectives Physical activity is key to improve the prognosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). To help to tailor future interventions we aimed to identify the baseline characteristics of ...
    • Differences in peak cough flow values assessed by mouthpiece and facemask on healthy subjects 

      Torres Castro, Rodrigo; Vilaró, Jordi; Reyes, Víctor; Fuente, Oscar de la; Aguirre, Andrés; Otto Yáñez, Matías; Puppo, Homero; Vera Uribe, Roberto; Barros, Marisol (Journal of Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physical Therapy, 2016, vol. 3, núm. 1, p. 14-19, 2016-04)
      Background: Coughing is the most important mechanism for evacuating mucus secretions from the airways. Its efficacy directly depends on the Peak Cough Flow (PCF), the maximum air-flow generated during ...
    • Effectiveness of home-based exercise delivered by digital health in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Solis-Navarro, Lilian; Gismero Serra, Aina; Fernández-Jané, Carles; Torres Castro, Rodrigo; Solà-Madurell, Mireia; Bergé, Clara; Mónica Pérez, Laura; Ars , Joan; Martín-Borràs, Carme; Vilaró, Jordi; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè (Age and ageing, 2022, 51(11): 1-10, 2022-11)
      Background regular physical exercise is essential to maintain or improve functional capacity in older adults. Multimorbidity, functional limitation, social barriers and currently, coronavirus disease ...
    • Effects of a combined community exercise program in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome : a randomized clinical trial 

      Torres Castro, Rodrigo; Vilaró, Jordi; Martí, Joan-Daniel; Garmendia, Onintza; Gimeno Santos, Elena, 1980-; Romano-Andrioni, Bárbara; Embid, Cristina; Montserrat Canal, José Ma (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2019, vol. 8, núm. 3, 2019-03)
      Physical activity is associated with a decreased prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea and improved sleep efficiency. Studies on the effects of a comprehensive exercise program in a community setting ...
    • Experience, facilitators, and barriers to the implementation of a multicomponent programme in older people living in the community, +AGIL Barcelona: a qualitative study 

      Canet Vélez, Olga; Solis-Navarro, Lilian; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Mónica Pérez, Laura; Roca Llobet, Judith; Soto-Bagaria, Luis; Torres Castro, Rodrigo; Díaz-Gallego, Francisco; Vilaró, Jordi; Inzitari, Marco (Frontiers in Public Health, 2023, 11:1161883, 2023-03)
      Introduction: The +AGIL Barcelona programme is a multicomponent care intervention for frail older adults (FOAs) living in the community. To improve the programme, it is essential to investigate the ...
    • Filiform needle acupuncture for copd: A systematic review and meta- analysis 

      Fernández-Jané, Carles; Vilaró, Jordi; Fei, Yutong; Wang, Congcong; Liu, Jianping; Huang, Na; Xia, Ruyu; Tian, Xia; Hu, Ruixue; Yu, Mingkun; Gómara i Toldrà, Natàlia; Solà-Madurell, Mireia; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè (Complementary Therapies In Medicine 2019, 47: 102182, 2019-08-19)
      Background This is the first part of a larger spectrum systematic review which aims to identify and evaluates the effectiveness of all different non-pharmacological acupuncture techniques used for COPD. ...
    • Fisioterapia respiratoria post-COVID-19: algoritmo de decisión terapéutica 

      Arbillaga Etxarri, Ane, 1986-; Lista-Paz, Ana; Alcaraz-Serrano, Victoria; Escudero-Romero, Raúl; Herrero-Cortina, Beatriz; Balañá Corberó, Ana; Sebio Garcia, Raquel; Vilaró, Jordi; Gimeno Santos, Elena, 1980- (Open Respiratory Archives, 2022, vol. 4, núm. 1, 100139, 2021-10-12)
      La pandemia causada por la enfermedad de la COVID-19 ha supuesto un gran reto para los profesionales del sistema sociosanitario, intensificándose con el manejo y atención de las manifestaciones clínicas ...
    • Future Housing Older People Project – HoOp_Focus : perspectiva dels usuaris 

      Rifà Ros, Rosa; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Reyes-Vizacarro, Marta; Vilaró, Jordi; Fornt-Baldrich, Anna; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam (2024-03)
      Les persones grans constitueixen una proporció important de la població mundial i es preveu que en les properes dècades la tendència sigui creixent. En aquest sentit, un dels principals desafiaments amb ...
    • Inspiratory muscle training and exercise versus exercise alone for asthma (Protocol) 

      Gimeno Santos, Elena, 1980-; Fregonezi, Guilherme Augusto de Freitas; Torres Castro, Rodrigo; Rabinovich, Roberto Alejandro; Vilaró, Jordi (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015, núm. 7. Art. No.: CD011794, 2018-09)
      To assess the effectiveness of inspiratory muscle training plus exercise versus exercise alone in people with asthma.
    • Interventions across the retirement transition for improving well-being: A scoping review 

      Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Fernández-Jané, Carles; Martin Arribas, Anna; Costa-Tutusaus, Lluís; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Ramírez García, Inés; Canet Vélez, Olga; Kopp, Jenna; Vilaró, Jordi; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, vol. 17, núm. 12, 2020-06)
      Background: The work-to-retirement transition involves a process of psychologically and behaviorally distancing oneself from the workforce that is often accompanied by other social changes, which can ...
    • Interventions across the retirement transition for improving well-being: a scoping review protocol 

      Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Fernández-Jané, Carles; Martin Arribas, Anna; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Canet Vélez, Olga; Sanromà Ortiz, Montserrat; Vilaró, Jordi; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena (BMJ Open, 2019, 9:e030484, 2019-09)
      Introduction The work-to-retirement transition involves a process of psychologically and behaviourally distancing oneself from the workforce that is often accompanied by other social changes. The person ...
    • Myofunctional therapy (oropharyngeal exercises) for obstructive sleep apnoea 

      Rueda, José Ramón; Mugueta Aguinaga, Iranzu; Vilaró, Jordi; Rueda Etxebarria, Mikel (Cohrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2019, núm. 10, Art. No.: CD013449, 2019-10)
      This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the benefits and harms of myofunctional therapy (oropharyngeal exercises) for the treatment of obstructive ...
    • Nordic walking enhances oxygen uptake without increasing the rate of perceived exertion in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 

      Barberan-Garcia, Anael; Arbillaga Etxarri, Ane, 1986-; Gimeno Santos, Elena, 1980-; Agustín Rodríguez, Diego; Torralba, Yolanda; Roca Torrent, Josep; Vilaró, Jordi (Respiration, 2015, vol. 89, núm. 3, p. 221-225, 2015-02)
      Background: In healthy subjects, Nordic walking (NW) generates higher oxygen uptake (V˙O2) than standard walking at an equal rate of perceived exertion (RPE). The feasibility and positive outcomes of ...
    • Respiratory function in patients post-infection by COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Torres Castro, Rodrigo; Vasconcello Castillo, Luis; Alsina Restoy, Xavier; Solis-Navarro, Lilian; Burgos, Felip; Puppo, Homero; Vilaró, Jordi (Pulmonology, 2021, 27(4): 328-337, 2021-08)
      Background: Evidence suggests lungs as the organ most affected by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The literature on previous coronavirus infections reports that patients may experience persistent ...